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This was gonna be the end but it just got hella' more tense while I was writing so...

TANABE: "Today is the test, this will let you know what high schools you can get into. It will be a practical. Meet in the yard in five minutes."

NISHIKATA: "I wanna get into UA."

TAKAGI: "Me too."

NISHIKATA: "Takagi What are you doing there?!"

TAKAGI: *laughing* "Did I scare you?"

NISHIKATA: "No, I was surprised."

TAKAGI: "So same thing."

NISHIKATA: "What- I, um..."

TAKAGI: "Let's go."


They walked down the hallways until Takagi entered a door, Nishikata followed, not really paying attention, but just before he walked in Takagi said,

TAKAGI: "Nishikata, what are you doing?"

NISHIKATA: "Huh?" *looks up* (Wait this is the girls's changing room!) *blushes* "Oh crap, sorry I dint mean it I wasn't paying attention, anyway bye!"

He rushed into the boy's changing room and was greeted by the new kid, Mineta.

MINETA: "So, what did you see?"

NISHIKATA: "W- what do you mean?" *nervously*

MINETA: "I saw you walk into that room with your girlfriend."

NISHIKATA: "What no! That was an accident, I didn't see anything!"

MINETA: "Sure..."

They got changed and arrived at the yard, Tanabe started talking,

TANABE: "This will be a hero vs. villain scenario test-"

Before he could tell them that it was student vs student, some people appeared from midair, and began to speak,

???: "We are the league of Villains, this is our first act of criminality, and we will make it big!"

TANABE: "Get behind me!"

All of the students thought this was a test, and got fired up. Hamaguchi launched himself at the ringleader, but Tanabe pulled him back with his cloth and said,

TANABE: "This is not a test!"

All of the students got confused, but suddenly, Hamaguchi fell through a portal in the floor and resurfaced near the villains,

???: "You, you have spirit, you will be the first one to fight me!"

Villains attacked the rest of the class from behind, holding them down as the fight began,

NISHIKATA: "Kacchan!"

HAMAGUCHI: "Be quiet Deku! I'm gonna' toast this guy, real villain or not!"

He launched himself at the villain, who reached out, as to just tap him. Tanabe used his quirk to cancel whatever quirk he might have. Hamaguchi saw this and said,

HAMAGUCHI: "Dumb old man! Let me fight him!"

TANABE: "I can't let my students die!"

HAMAGUCHI: "I don't need your help!"

While this happened, the leader snuck up from behind and grabbed Hamaguchi.

???: "Let's go, Kurogiri."

And with that they disappeared. Nishikata broke down and ran at where the villains were.

TANABE: "Damnit! I was too slow."

NISHIKATA: "Kacchan!"

TAKAGI: "Quiet. Shh, come on Deku, it'll all be okay."

NISHIKATA: "But, but they took him!"

TAKAGI: "The heroes will help."

NISHIKATA: "I can't wait for the heroes! I need to find him! I'm sorry. Ochako." [Remember her first name is Ochako] *powers up OFA, jumps away*

TANABE + TAKAGI: "Nishikata!"

Nishikata was jumping through the town looking for any sign of Hamaguchi. He slowed down after a while and began to sob. He knew it was pointless, they could be anywhere. He could be dead. Nishikata became distressed at that thought, but then he heard someone tap down next to him. Takagi.

TAKAGI: "Deku. He'll be okay. The heroes are looking for him."

NISHIKATA: "You don't know that!"


NISHIKATA: "No. It's Nishikata-kun now. Only Kacchan calls me Deku. It means useless. That's all I am, plus, what kind of friend, no girlfriend, doesn't stand by their boyfriend. You don't believe Kacchan is safe, you're lying. That's why its Nishikata-kun now. Goodbye, Takagi-san." *jumps away, wipes eyes*


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