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Nishikata POV

We met on the field and Kacchan fires up his quirk. I concentrated and began to tap into my power. I knew All Might wouldn't be proud, but I didn't see a way out of this. Kacchan launched himself at me like I knew he would, since so I dodged, and then he tried to right hook me, but I'd predicted it, so I grabbed his arm and slammed him to the floor. I didn't need my quirk for this, I was holding back, and he knew it.

HAMAGUCHI: "Damnit Deku! Use your quirk!"

NISHIKATA: "I don't want to hurt you!"

HAMAGUCHI: "So you think your THAT strong eh?!"

NISHIKATA: "No! I don't know how to control it!"

HAMAGUCHI: "Well then, just surrender!"

I wanted to but it would ruin my reputation, so I took my first strike, lunging at Bakugo, but as a flew through the air, I saw Takagi's worried face,

NISHIKATA: (She must have followed me out here! I can't show her this side of me, not after all she's done for me...)

Kacchan took advantage of my distraction and drove me into the ground with his elbow. I lay there, having lost the will to fight and he said,

HAMAGUCHI: "What?! Is that all you've got?"

NISHIKATA: "I surrender." (I can still fight, but I don't want to, how can I say that) "I give up... for Takagi."

I might aswell have declared my love for her. I wasn't sure about how I felt, but now everyone was looking at her. She ran up to me and hugged me, saying,

TAKAGI: "BAKA!"[Idiot] "You could've hurt yourself!"

NISHIKATA: "I'm sorry." *blushes* "But by the way, that wasn't a confession or anything."

TAKAGI: "Oh, it wasn't?"

NISHIKATA: "I, um well, I'm not sure."

TAKAGI: "Well you can just tell me when your ready."

NISHIKATA: "Okay. But I think the school thinks otherwise. Also can you let go now?" *blushes more*

TAKAGI: "Sure. See you in class!"

NISHIKATA: "You too." (That was my chance. Ah! What am I saying?)

I walked into class to whispers and stares, I hoped that my Takagi excuse, it hurt saying it, but that is what it was, made up for my surrender, but I'd just have to see.

It may have been an excuse, but I think it awakened a realisation inside of me. I think I know. I do like Takagi. Now I just needed to work up the nerve to ask her out.

And to do that, I have to find out if she likes me, at least in my books. This would take some well placed questions and maybe a competition or two, but, I think I can do it, after all, the whole school thinks I already did, apparently I'm more romantic than I thought.

Word Count: 472

I held off the romance because my last book was heavily based on it, as will be my next. BTW, for those who are waiting I will tell you the name: 'The Chi Chronicles' And no, there are no supernatural shenanigans, that is just the name.

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