Chapter 10

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Draco POV: 

I walked into the Great Hall for dinner to see Harry sitting at the Slytherin table, along with Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and...Luna? I calmly sat down next to Harry at started to fill my plate.

" Hey Dray! What's up!" 

" Hey Pansy. Nothing much really. That Davids guy is really starting to annoy me though."

" You mean that idiot who was hitting on you yesterday?" Blaise piped in.

" Yeah. Him." Harry answered coldly. " He's pissing me of as well." I raised an eyebrow at him in question. 

" He's been following me around saying SHIT and glaring at me every time we are in the same room. Like he is, right now." We all looked over to see him glaring at Harry like there was no tomorrow, before noticing that I was looking at him, and then winking. I cringed and leaned a  bit closer to Harry.  He frowned and turned back to his food. 

" Ew. What a creep." I heard Pansy say.

" I don't know why he is interested in you all of a sudden." Blaise said.

" Wait you guys know him?" Hermione asked. 

" Well not really. We've seen him here and there around the common room in previous years." I answered.

" The weird part is he would always leave us alone and steer clear from us. He wouldn't even look at us." Blaise said. 

" Quite strange, isn't it?" Luna said.

" is...." Harry answered. 


I was walking back to the dorms with Pansy and Blaise when Pansy suddenly stopped and turned around. We stopped too and turned around to see that Davids guy with his hands playfully in the air, Pansy glaring at him.

" Okay." Pansy said, trying not to yell, " what is your sudden interest with Draco?"  

" Why does it mater to you?"

" Oh I don't know." Blaise said, " maybe because you are bothering me and my friends!" Davids just raised his eyebrow in confusion. I sighed and slapped my forehead. 

" You're creeping us all out!" I yelled. He looked shocked. That was, before he smirked. 

" How exactly?" We just stared at him like he was an idiot. Is he being serious. 

" You've been staring at Draco non-stop." Blaise supplied.

" You've been following us around."

" You've been annoying everyone who you think is interested in Draco."

" You constantly ask me out after I constantly reject you. Do we need to go on?" He just looked at us.

" I honestly don't care. I want YOU, and I'm not going to stop until your MINE." He said, before turning around to go to the Slytherin dorms. 

" This guy is an idiot." Blaise said.

" You should get like a restraining order or something." Pansy said as we started to walk again. I laughed and we continued our way back. 

We got there to see a big crowd in the common room, all the students where there. We all just looked at each other.  Soon the headmistress walked in. 

" I'm sure you are all wondering what is going on." There where murmurs of agreement passed among the room. With a sigh, she straightened her face and continued. " We...have a problem. I'm sure a lot of you remember Professor Umbridge..." I look off horror reached all of our faces. Don't tell me... 

" She is coming back next Monday." 


Harry's POV: 

WHAT! I rolled up my fingers so I don't end up punching someone. I felt Hermione put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down but I can tell she was mad to. 

" I know! You all hate her! I do too. Sadly, I couldn't do anything about it. But I am here to ask you one thing. You all have surly have suffered by her, after all, your year was her main target. What I am asking you to do, is to try and protect the other students from her. Can you all do that?" We all nodded. 

" Well, that will be all, please head back to your dorms since it is already curfew." We all quietly walked back to our rooms, yet I was still shaking in rage. I entered my dorm to see Draco already there, sitting at the inner corner of the bed, his knee's brought up to his chest, and him rocking back and forth, muttering something to himself. The door closed behind me, causing him to snap put off his gaze and look up. 

" O-oh hey H-harry." I calmly walked over and sat down at the edge of his bed and sighed. 

" What's wrong draco?" 

" W-what do y-you mean?" 

" You're stuttering like crazy and shaking." His eyes widened before quickly looking down and muttering something. I raised my eyebrow, not hearing what he said. 

" I-i'm just scared." He said, cradling his arm. Wait. 

" Draco...did she...?" He nodded and looked away. I sighed and scooted over to him, pulling him on my lap and wrapping my arms around him. His eye widened in shock before he calmed down a bit and just snuggled his head under my chin. We stayed like this for a while, until he spoke again.

" She...blackmailed me into working for her..." I froze in shock.

" W-what...?" 

" She has some...stuff on my family...since her and my father used to work closely..." 


" I'm just scared she is going to do it again..."

" If you don't mind me asking, did she use a blood quill on you?" He nodded slowly and sighed. 

" You know that Dumbledore army thing? Yeah, I kind of knew about it after a week it started. Mainly cause i've been using the ROR since first year. I didn't tell her about it though. So she found out and kinda um, used the quill on me..."  He said quietly and showed me his hand. It a graceful and neat writing it said, 

I must never lie to a superior


God Sorry for not updating in a while! Was working on other stories! Welp, Cliffhanger! Yes. Call me evil-

 I'll update as soon as I can. School really has been keeping me busy! Anyways, goodbye my little humans!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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