Chapter 3

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Okay so it just dawned on me that Snape is dead soooooo yeah
It's Slughorn now
Anyways let's start with the next part!
Harry's POV
I would have started on the project, but I wasn't really paying attention in class. I was sitting there trying to see if I can recall anything till I heard someone say my name.
I turn around to see Ginny standing there.
"Oh hey Ginny."

" what are you doing here? Aren't you going to eat?"

"Wasn't hungry. I'm here cause I have to work on a project with someone."

" Really? Who?"


" Oh I feel bad. You have to work with a death eater. You want me to stay here to make sure he doesn't try to kill you again?"

" I can assure you that I'm not going to even try to kill him," a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Malfoy standing there.

"Oh and potter, we should move the studying for later. I can tell went i'm not wanted," he said with a shaky voice. He stormed out after.

" Thank Merlin he is gone. Say, why did you help him earlier?" Ginny said.

I glared at her, not even daring to answer. She looked at me in shock as a I got up and left the library. Might as well go to the kitchen and get something to eat. I wonder why Malfoy rushed out so fast, and why he looked like he was going to cry...

Draco's POV
I was walking to the library deep in thought when I bumped into someone. When I looked to see who, I saw Wheasly standing there.
" Watch were your going!"

" sorry" I muttered.

" sorry I can't hear you. Care to say that louder? You know what, no. I know what you said. You said I was a git didn't you!" he screamed. I flinched when he raised his voice. By now the whole hall was staring.

" You know, maybe we can finish what we started-"



" yeah, TO GO TO CLASS!"

" oh what are you going to do, go tell your father? Oh I forgot! He is in AZAKABAN!"

At that I shut up, tears threatening to spill out. I looked at him, trying my best to glare at him without crying, before walking past him. The whole hall was shocked. I stopped when I was a few feet behind him and said " Never speak ill of the dead."

With that I walked off, my head hung low. I can feel the hall staring at me, so I quickened my pace. I reached to library and went to where Potter was sitting only to here that wesslette talking.

" Oh I feel bad. You have to work with a death eater. You want me to stay here to make sure he doesn't try to kill you again?"

" I can assure you that I'm not going to even try to kill him." They both looked at me.

"Oh and potter, we should move the studying for later. I can tell went i'm not wanted."

I stormed out of the library, feeling worse than I was before. I walked all the way up to my room and quickly changed into a oversized shirt and sweatpants flopped on my bed. I started to cry after. After a few hours, I fell asleep.
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any suggestions, please comment! Anyways, have a nice rest of the day or night!

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