Chapter 8

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Draco's POV:

I woke up to feel someones arms around me. I felt that I was lying on someones chest as well. And, I herd Pansy and Blaise containing laughter. I shot up, or tried to, only to be pushed down again. I could already tell that it was harry, which just made me blush like there was no tomorrow. Then I herd him groan.

" I don't care who is here. It's Saturday, so unless we are going to Hogsmede then you aren't getting up anytime soon." He said is a deep and husky morning voice, which did not help with my blushing. 

" Pansy, Blaise. Help me."

" Sorry but you're on your own here. We'll just wait for you guys on the other bed." Pansy said. She dragged Blaise over and the started whispering about something. I rested my chin on his chest to see him with his eyes closed, yet I knew he was awake. 


" No. I'm tired."

" Then sleep without me on you!"

" Nope. You need sleep to. And food. You're too light."

" Harry I am NOT too light."

" Oh well. Now hush." 

" But-" He suddenly turned over so we both where on our sides. We where facing each other, and his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him so I was snug on his chest, his head on top of mine. My hands where curled on his chest. My whole face was red at this point.  I just excepted what is happening and cuddled closer to his chest. I don't know how long it had been until Blaise suddenly yelled. 

" Alright get up lazy heads! Its been and hour and we want to eat breakfast! Up!" I felt harry's arms loosen and I saw my chance to escape. I shot up and got out of bed.  We eventually got harry to get up and we all changed. He went back to his dorm and said he would meet us here. I was fixing my hair when suddenly pansy started talking.

" Hey guys I think we should tell Granger that we are friends with Potter. I mean, she is the most reasonable out of the whole trio." We both agreed and waited for Potter.  He came after a few minutes and Pansy went out of the room to get Granger. She came back after a minute with a confused Granger.

" Harry! What are you doing here?"

" Nothing much really."

" Well anyways Granger. First of you can call us by our first names. Second, we where wondering if you wanted to put the past behind us and become friends?" Pansy asked. She stared at us for a second, before a smile formed on her face.

" Sure you guys. But I don't think we should tell Ron about this yet. He would-" Thats when the door banged open, with an angry Weasley. We all looked at him. He looked at everyone in the room.

" Ron..." Harry said, carefully.

" NO! You are here, making friends with a bunch of Death Eaters, and you don't want to even tell me!" I shrink a bit when he called us a death eater, Blaise and Pansy got mad. HE finally got a good look at me. If looks could kill, I would off died ten times already. None of us dared to say anything. Then it looked like something clicked. 

" You..." He said to me, " You did this didn't you?! You put a spell on them!" He yelled, staking over to me. Thats when harry moved in front of me to stop him from doing anything.

" Harry, Hermione we have to take you to madam Pomfey, we got to get those spells off you-"

" No ron. They didn't put a spell on us. And you are not harming Draco. Final."

" Draco?! When did it become Draco?!" 

" Since yesterday. I don't see why you're making such a big deal out for this Ron."

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