Specter, the Inspector

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<< Narrator >>
It was a glorious day out on the streets of England. The sun was blazing, birds were singing, markets were bustling.
And there, walking down the sidewalk that leads up to the Blue Diamond Casino a man in a suit and briefcase.
<< Edward >>
I was sitting at my desk filling out paperwork, nothing out of the ordinary here. Just then, I felt something soft and furry up on my lap. I sighed and scooted out a little bit to see Peaches curled up in a ball on my lap fast asleep. I resumed my work before the door slammed open, ruining my peace.
"Edward! Edward!" Minerva came in frantically running in like a headless chicken. I sighed, moving Peaches onto my desk before standing up. I gave her a: what happened? Look. "He's is coming! He's coming! He's coming!" She kept screaming.
"Who's coming!?" I asked. Ushering her to take a seat at my desk.
"The higher-ups are coming to do their latest financial inspection on the casino!" She cried out.
"So? If they find even a single flaw, they'll write us up!" She slammed her hands on my ebony wood desk, startling Peaches causing her to jump onto my head with her hair puffed up. Minerva let out an exasperated sigh putting her arms over her head. Feeling Peaches' claws digging into my head, I unhooked her from my head and placed her on my shoulder. I turned my attention back to my mess of a director.
"Now now, I'm sure we'll do fine, " I said reassuring her. "I've just finished writing up today's finances, " I said handing her the papers as she read through them. Just then the door slammed open again, this time revealing Liam and Isaac with a sorry look in his eyes. Without saying a word, Liam walked up to my desk and slapped a stack of papers on my desk, and walked over where Isaac stood. "And this is?" I asked implying the mountain of papers on my desk.
"Last week's dance floor repairs after the flood from last Monday," Liam explained. I flipped open one of the folders to check how much it cost. Oh boy, I thought while grimacing over the cost.
"Pushing that aside for later," I began. "Everything will be alright," I said with a small smile. Minerva glanced up at me with wide eyes.
"Really?" She asked. I nodded my head in response.
"Well, isn't this a lovely scene," a voice said from the doorway. We all froze and glanced towards the door to see a fine young man dressed in a nice, but crisp suit and briefcase. All of us were too shocked to say anything. Liam was about to say something till I stopped him.
"Say one word and I'll cut off a finger," I threatened him using my telepathy. That shut him up.
"Oh, you're early," a voice said from behind the man. I peered over to see Marisa walking in. "My name is Marisa Goldberg. I'm the head manager here," Marisa said while extending her hand out.
"I am, Cornelius Specter Schatz. Nice to meet you as well," he said shaking her hand.
<< Narrator >>
Once the pair exited the room, a breath of relief came over the three in the room.
"Man, that was scary!" Minerva said while Isaac shook his head in agreement.
"At least you didn't get yelled at by our account," Liam said still shaking from Edward's words echoing inside his mind.
"W-w-what did he say?" Isaac squeaked out.
"He said; say one word and I'll cut a finger off..." Liam said shuddering as the other two did as well before hearing a voice in their minds.
"As long as you don't do anything stupid, we'll be fine," it said. "Just don't say anything or do anything you'll regret since, it's not only the wrath of Specter you'll face but the wrath of me as well. Remember, say something stupid, and I'll cut off a finger." The trio shuddered at the accountant's monotone voice.
<< Specter >>
Seems like a nice group of people, but they have no idea what's in store for them...

A/N: Yo, Isaak here. It's been a while since I've made an appearance. I've been very unmotivated and drowning in schoolwork, along with working on college apps. Thank you for your time and patience.
- Steph

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