Casino Employees

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Master Key
Italics is Edward speaking and thinking
Bold are (sudden) sounds
Normal is the story
Underlined bold are thoughts
Bold Italics are power explanations
[Author Notes or Comments]

Recap: "Monster! Monster!" They screamed as everyone turned their heads in my direction.
[Flashback ended]

"-Ward? Edward?" I heard Minerva ask as she waved a hand in front of my face.
"Ja?" I asked as we walked towards my room.
"You were zoning out," she said. I made an 'o' face as she stopped in front of a blue door with a tag next to the door that said: Financial Business. I glared at the doorway with suspicion as I heard thoughts of three different people.
"Right here?" A naive high-pitched voice asked.
"No, not there! He'd want to look out the window!" Another voice said but sounded a bit more mature.
"Knock it off you two, Minerva would open the door at any moment!" A gruff voice said. I sighed knowing there were people on the other side, I felt reluctant and opened the door to see five faces look up at me.
"Eh?" I said with a confused face.
"Minerva! You're back!" They all chimed. There was: a boy with short blonde hair and hazel green eyes, an older looking man with electric blue hair, blue eyes, and black glasses, an athletic-looking dude, and a woman with dark purple hair with glasses scribbling on their clipboard. I've got a bad feeling about this, I thought to myself.
"Hey boss," the blue-haired male called. "Who is this young man?" They asked.
"This is Edward Ek, our new accountant," Minerva said interrupting me. The blonde-haired boy ran up to me with bright eyes.
"Hi, Mr. Edward!" He chirped. I swear you can see sparkles, I thought. "Are you a magician?" He asked. I felt an irk mark form as Minerva slowly backed away. In the past, whenever I showed someone my powers, they'd brush it off as some parlor magic trick. I felt my jaw clenching as I seethed in anger.
"I. Am. Not. A. Magician," I said through my teeth with a stern face.
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Yeah, something like that. 
"Well, then how do you explain the match trick?" He asked. I sighed. [Stop sighing so much. Ed: Never.] 
"I am a psychic, and I have psychic powers," I said using my telepathy to scream my voice through their minds.
"WHAAAAT!" The kid screamed.
"Calm down Liam before I smack you again!" The purple-haired lady screamed holding a thick book in her hand.
[Time skip after Ed tells them what he told Minerva]
"Wow, that must have been hard growing up being called a monster," Liam said with a sympathetic look in his eyes.
"Yeah, to constantly live in isolation is hard," the blue-haired man commented Liam laid his head down on a silver-haired young man with black glasses I failed to noticed's lap.
"Oh, we should introduce ourselves," Liam said. Yeah, ya think? I thought to myself.
[Time skip]
"I'm Liam," shorty said. "The one with glasses and blue hair is Stephan." The blue-haired man waved with a bright smile. "The one with purple hair and whacked me with a book is Marisa." I glanced over to see her busy scribbling down on her clipboard. "The big muscular guy is Mason, he's our security guard." Mason nodded his head as I nodded back in acknowledgment.  

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