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When Balto and Jenna ventured towards the dwelling of Kodi and Dusty, their hearts beat with anticipation. They reached the entrance, and there, standing before them, was their son, Kodi, a young wolf-dog of remarkable strength and spirit. His fur, a blend of gray and white, glistened in the sunlight, accentuating his noble features.

"Hi, Kodi!" Balto's voice carried warmth and love.

A smile graced Kodi's face as he replied, "Hi, Dad."

Jenna, with her soft and caring voice, inquired, "How are you feeling, Kodi?"

Kodi took a moment to reflect and then answered, "Well... Dusty is doing fine, and I'm doing well too."

"I'm going to have a chat with Dusty," Jenna said to Balto, her eyes full of tenderness. "So you boys can catch up on whatever you want." With those words, she gracefully made her way to the rear of the house, where Dusty awaited inside her cozy kennel.

Meanwhile, Balto and Kodi stood shoulder to shoulder, sharing a moment of father-son connection. Suddenly, Kodi posed a question that caught Balto off guard.

"Why can't you sleep, Dad?" Kodi's voice held curiosity and concern.

Balto, momentarily surprised, replied with a question of his own, "How do you know about it?"

Kodi let out a gentle chuckle, his warm breath escaping his lips. "Oh, come on, Dad. It's quite obvious. Dark circles under your eyes and the redness in your gaze."

"I didn't realize it was so evident," Balto admitted. "I'm sorry, Kodi. Lately, I've been plagued by peculiar dreams."

Kodi's eyes sparkled with empathy and interest. "Would you like to share them with me?"

Balto hesitated at first, but he realized that dreams were mere figments of the mind, and speaking of them would bring no harm. "I always dream of standing on the edge of a perilous precipice with Aleu. She's on the brink of falling, crying out my name... yet I'm paralyzed, unable to move."

Silence enveloped them briefly, allowing the weight of Balto's words to settle. Finally, Kodi broke the silence, his voice tinged with contemplation. "Do you think these dreams hold any significance?"

"I don't know," Balto confessed. "But once before, something similar occurred. Aleu ran away, and I embarked on a quest to find her. Together, we aided a pack of wolves in their pursuit of caribou that had eluded them. In my dreams, I see both the caribou and the pack of wolves." Fear flickered in Balto's eyes. "I'm afraid these dreams are foreshadowing an imminent reality."

Before Kodi could respond, the scene was interrupted by the arrival of Boris, accompanied by the mischievous Muck and Luck. Balto and Kodi swiftly discerned the worry etched on their friends' faces, intertwined with an unmistakable dread.

"BALTO!" Boris exclaimed, his voice resonating with urgency. He was a Russian snow goose, his white feathers adorned with black-tipped wings and an elegant headdress.

"Boris?" Balto uttered, perplexed by their unexpected presence. "What brings you here?" A glimpse of fear flickered in his own eyes, mirrored by those of his companions. "Easy now, Boris. Take a breath, okay? Just breathe."

Complying with Balto's words, Boris inhaled deeply, his ragged breath gradually steadying. "Balto, you won't believe what we've seen," Boris uttered, his voice tinged with a mix of astonishment and anxiety.

"Tell us, Uncle Boris," Kodi urged, his curiosity piqued.

"We... We saw Duke!" Boris exclaimed, his words trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief.

Balto's face contorted with anger, his voice resonating with indignation. "What?" he retorted, the weight of his emotions palpable. "This isn't a joke, Boris."

Balto IV: Wolf Destiny (2023 edition)Where stories live. Discover now