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In Alaska, winter has always been a slow season, a time of year that spends in preparation for spring as everything returns to color and nature begins to bloom again. At the same time, winter is also synonymous with evenings spent with those you love. The biting air gives a kind of jolt every morning when we leave the house, as if to remind us that we are alive.

Just outside the city, near an ancient vessel that had long since retired from its seafaring days, two figures stood amidst the blanket of snow. The first was Balto, a wolfdog of exceptional charm and strength. His noble stature was accentuated by his gray-brown fur, which adorned his upper body, upper legs, and tail. Lighter shades of gray-brown cascaded down his chest, encircling his eyes and enveloping the lower contours of his body. His ears, regally pointed, were swathed in a deep, dark gray-brown hue. His gaze was intensified by the striking combination of yellow sclera and piercing orange-brown eyes, reflecting both his wild ancestry and his gentle spirit.

Beside Balto stood Jenna, a purebred husky whose elegance rivaled the beauty of the snow-covered landscape. Her coat, a tapestry of red and white, was a legacy she would pass on to her offspring. The deep red tones graced her ears, back, upper legs, and the uppermost part of her tail, while pristine white adorned her face, chest, and lower regions. Small black markings adorned the tips of her ears, accentuating their fine contours. Her amber-colored eyes shimmered with intelligence and compassion, complementing the warm-hearted nature that lay within her. A vibrant red-orange bandana encircled her neck, a touch of color against the winter's monochrome.

Amidst this serene backdrop, their conversation unfolded like delicate footsteps on freshly fallen snow.

"How long have you been having these dreams?" Jenna inquired, her voice gentle yet laced with concern.

"Dreams? What I have are nightmares!" Balto replied, his voice tinged with a touch of sorrow.

A flicker of worry danced across Jenna's eyes as she probed further. "Then... what happens in your nightmares?"

Balto hesitated, as if grappling with his own apprehension. "Maybe it's better if I don't tell you," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of uncertainty and fear.

"Come on, Balto," Jenna encouraged, her voice filled with a soothing tenderness. "You can tell me."

Relenting to her unwavering support, Balto began to reveal the haunting visions that plagued his restless slumber. "Alright, I'll tell you. It all started two nights ago. I was asleep when suddenly a vision seized me. Whether it was real or illusory, I cannot say. In this vision, there was Aleu, standing on the precipice of a great chasm. Her cries for help echoed through the air, reaching my ears. But, try as I might, I found myself frozen, unable to lend her aid. Each muscle I strained refused to respond, leaving me immobilized."

Jenna listened intently, her features etched with concern. "And what happens next?" she gently pressed.

Balto's voice faltered, the uncertainty lingering in his words. "I don't know. The dream fades away before I can see its conclusion."

Silence draped over them like a winter's shroud, each lost in their own thoughts. Their countenances revealed a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. Balto's eyes betrayed his fear, as though his dream held the power to manifest into a haunting reality. Jenna, though worried, wore a brave expression, determined to alleviate his unease.

"Listen to me, Balto," she began, her voice a soothing balm against his troubled soul. "You must find peace within yourself. Dreams are just illusions, not harbingers of what is to come. It is within our power to decide our own destinies and determine the paths we walk."

Balto considered her words, their wisdom taking root in his heart.

"Yes, perhaps you are right," he conceded, a glimmer of hope lighting his eyes. "Maybe I should stop worrying about a stupid dream."

A warm affection swelled in Jenna's voice as she reached out to him. "Come on, let's go to sleep," she suggested tenderly.

And so, they sought the solace of sleep, nestled amidst the wintry stillness. Jenna's eyes closed in peaceful surrender, her breath slowing into a gentle rhythm. But for Balto, slumber eluded him, as his mind wandered through the corridors of his restless thoughts, haunted by the specter of his ominous dreams.

The sun rose over the picturesque Alaskan landscape, casting a warm golden hue upon the snow-covered mountains and frozen lakes. It was a new day, filled with promises and adventures waiting to unfold. Jenna awakened with a sense of optimism permeating her every fiber. She stretched gracefully, her amber-colored eyes shimmering with a gentle radiance.

But as Jenna looked around, her eyes widened in realization. Balto was not by her side. Concern flickered across her face, for she knew all too well the haunting visions that plagued his dreams. Determined to find him, she made her way to the bow of the ship, where she had a clear view of the surroundings.

There, standing in his solitary grace, was Balto himself. Balto's eyes, like pools of orange-brown fire, pierced the icy air, reflecting his complex emotions.

Approaching him with a gentle stride, Jenna could sense the mix of sadness and fear that swirled within Balto's gaze. She drew closer, her graceful paws padding silently against the snow-covered ground. Locking eyes with him, she became a beacon of solace amidst his storm.

"Did you still have that nightmare?" she asked, her voice a soothing melody.

"Yup," Balto replied, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. "I continue to have that vision."

Jenna's tender gaze met his, radiating warmth and understanding. "Don't worry, darling," she assured him, her voice laced with unwavering support. "Soon everything will be back as before, and you won't have those dreams anymore. Trust me." In that precise moment, as Jenna spoke those comforting words, a glimpse of tranquility flickered in Balto's eyes, momentarily washing away his fears.

But the weight of their shared past lingered heavily upon Balto's heart, threatening to shatter the fragile peace they had found. Emotions welled up within him, raw and unfiltered, threatening to spill forth. His voice trembled with a mix of frustration and pain as he found himself caught in the storm of his memories.

"How can we just stand here and do nothing, Jenna?" Balto's voice cracked, the words dripping with bitterness. "We've been through this before, when Aleu ran away from us. I can't bear to relive that pain, that helplessness again."

The words hung in the air, their sharp edges cutting through the silence. Balto's voice betrayed his anguish, his longing for action, for a chance to prevent the past from repeating itself. Jenna felt her heart tighten at his outburst, for she knew the depth of his suffering, the memories that haunted him.

But then, as the weight of his words settled upon the snow-covered ground, a revelation struck Jenna's compassionate heart. Balto wasn't only referring to Aleu's departure; he was mourning a loss far deeper. Duke, the brave pilot who had formed an extraordinary bond with Balto, had tragically perished in a plane crash that unfolded before Balto's eyes. Duke had been the one who treated Balto with unwavering love and acceptance, as if he were his own cherished companion.

Understanding Balto's pain, Jenna moved closer, her presence a balm for his wounded spirit. "Oh, Balto," she murmured, her voice filled with empathy. "I know how much Duke meant to you. Losing him, it cut you deep. But you're not alone in this. I'm here, Balto. I'll always be here for you."

As Jenna's words washed over him, Balto felt a glimmer of solace. He realized that he wasn't alone in his pain, that he had a companion who would stand by his side through thick and thin. The tension slowly ebbed away from his taut muscles, replaced by a newfound sense of comfort.

With a calming breath, Balto met Jenna's gaze, his eyes softened by gratitude. "Thank you, Jenna," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I don't know what I would do without you."

A tender smile graced Jenna's face as she gently nuzzled against Balto's fur.

"You'll never have to find out, my dear Balto. We're a team, remember? Now, let's go and see Kodi and Dusty. They're waiting for us."

Balto nodded, his heart lighter with Jenna's understanding and support. "Yes, Jenna," he replied, his voice infused with newfound determination. "Let's go see our family."

Andso Balto and Jenna embarked on their journey, their steps filled with purposeand love. The snowy landscape stretched out before them.

Balto IV: Wolf Destiny (2023 edition)Where stories live. Discover now