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"Have you lost your consciousness, Clara? You expect us to go to the tenth room? Do you want to be King Reneil's dinner?" said George.

Well we have George who would always chicken-out. He gets scared pretty quickly and people play most of the pranks on him cause he easily falls for it. For example, Steve one day during a party asked George to open a chip can. Poor George he had no idea that the chip can had a balloon filled with water and when he opened it the water burst out of the can making him drenched. He has always been careless and gets into trouble most of the time. Thanks to Clara who always saves him. He has a good sense of humour and that's what Clara likes about him but sometimes it could be irritating too. Though George is very caring and has a soft corner for Clara.

"I have not lost my mind. I am serious and you know that very well. I never take situations like these funny. I am going. Whoever wishes to join can come along with me."

"Clara! I know you never take situations like these funny. But, still, this... this... it's like dealing with thieves, witches and wizards is different. This is a ghost! I am sure no one over here is a fool who would wish to join you."

Clara had always been courageous. She always believed in herself and her dreams and this would build others up. She always thought practically and never allowed her emotions to take over but then there are exceptions to this that are her friends. Her parents had divorced and she was made to stay with her father who died when Clara was in high school doing Bachelors in Spells. She was smart as she always stood first in her class. After that she worked for the corps.  

"I will come with you Clara!" said Daphne.

Daphne too is a brave girl and a smart one who knows how to prioritize herself. She always did what she thought was best for her and always tried to find a solution during her problems instead of complaining. She had a hobby of photography. She would always capture the best of memories. But, it was her beauty with brains what attracted men. Out of so many it had always been Steve that Daphne looked to. Maybe she had a thing for him. She had never let anyone's opinions influence her except of Steve's. 

Steve was a handsome man, tall and heavily built. A gallant one. A white with wavy hair. He had self-confidence in himself as we see how confident he is in himself when in comes to Daphne. He might have had countless girls ask him out but it was Daphne that he always waited for. Others didn't matter to him much. It was Daphne who should be happy. Steve could reform himself completely if Daphne every said him to. But, Daphne liked him the way he was. 

"If you are going my love Daphne then how can I not go?"

Daphne pinched Steve and said, "Bring back your conscious or I will make you unconscious."

"Ouch! It hurts Daphne."

"Hmm! I am happy your conscious is back Steve."

"How long will you stay away from me Daphne? One day you will accept my love and that is my promise..."

Daphne stopping Steve in between his words says "And that is my promise Steve that day will never arrive. So, stop dreaming about it."

"Both of you stop! This is not the time to fight like cats and dogs!" shouted Clara.

"She told you a cat Daphne! Ha Ha Ha...."

"And you a dog Steve! Ha Ha..."

" Clausa Labia! Now no one will talk. Your lips are sealed." said Clara.


Steve tried to speak but unfortunately could not. 

"George are you coming or not?" asked Clara.

"Well! If everyone is going then what will I do by sitting back?" replied George.

"So, it means you are coming!"

"As you think, Clara!" said George.

"Aperto Ore! Now that I have freed you it does not mean that you will start fighting again Steve and Daphne."

"Ha Ha Ha Ha...." laughed Steve.

Clara gave a no-nonsense look to Steve and he stopped laughing. 

"My name is Mico. My friend Max and I came to visit this museum from Halam a small town in Corpix. While we were admiring the statues in the ninth room. Suddenly, Max started behaving weirdly. He started speaking the language Ranali. I was amazed because in Halam I am the only one who can speak all the different languages and no one else and this language is spoken by the Ranalis!" said the thin boy.

"Ranalis...the people of Ronaldo!" exclaimed Clara.

"Yes! I remember Max has never visited the magical Kingdom of Ronaldo nor he knows the language then how can he speak Ranali?" said Mico.

"What happened after that Mico?" asked George.

"After that Max started flying in the air and went inside the tenth room. I am very scared. I have heard about King Reneil's ghost in the tenth room. Though I don't believe in all these supernatural things but seeing Max like this makes me a scardy cat.  What will King Reneil do to Max? He will surely make him his dinner. Max shouldn't have come here with me. Instead, we could have gone somewhere else." cried Mico.

"Do not worry Mico. Now we are here. We will bring Max back to you safely. I promise. Remember my words." with boldness on her face said Clara.

Is There a Ghost........जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें