Chapter Thirty-Four - Shopping!

Start from the beginning

"No sign of Lils yet!" Marly remarks, grabbing a piece of toast and sitting down. "She's probably already had hers! We'll go up and meet her when we are done!" Mar says, and we tuck into our breakfast.

When we are finished, we head up to the Head's common room in search of Lily, and find her sitting there reading a book.

"Ready to go?" she asks as we come in, slipping a bookmark between the pages of her novel. "Yep!" we all reply having grabbed everything we needed for this shopping trip before we went down to breakfast.

"Great!" Lily says, "I just need to grab my purse and then we can go on our way!". She rushes upstairs and grabs her bag before heading back down to us. 

"Let's go!" she says, and we all head on our way to Hogsmeade.

"Where are the boys?" Mar inquires, and Lily replies, "James said that they were leaving early to avoid the Zonko's queues. Shocking.". We all laugh and when we arrive in Hogsmeade we head for the best dress shop in the village.


A little bell rings as we enter, and much to my surprise I find that we are the first ones here!

It's a nice little shop - very homely and warm. There are dresses lining the walls - big poofy ones, small form fitting ones, short ones, long ones...everything you could ever imagine! There are also so many dress racks that I can barely even count them, and there are such a variety of colours and styles that I have no idea how I going to choose just one of them!

Mar and Marly immediately dive into dress racks, scooping about a mountain of dresses up each. Cries of, "Oh! Would you look at this?" and "This is bloody beautiful!" echo around the shop, and I see the shop owner have a little giggle to herself as she watches us.

To be honest, right now I think Marlene McKinnon is the very definition of 'shop 'til you drop'.

"Here Lils - what do you think of this one?" she asks, holding up a navy blue dress. "Oooohhh that one's nice! Try it on!" I encourage her, and she nods and disappears into the nearest dressing room.

I begin browsing, carefully making my way around the shop, picking up any dress that I want to try on. There are a couple of really beautiful red ones, and a gorgeous blue one that I'm simply dying to try on.

Once I have so may dresses that I can't carry any more I make my way over to the dressing rooms just as Marly comes out.

Once I have so may dresses that I can't carry any more I make my way over to the dressing rooms just as Marly comes out

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The dress looks absolutely gorgeous on her, and you can tell that Marly knows that she looks stunning.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Ali compliments, and Mary just grins. But, to all of our shock and surprise, Marly turns around and says, "Nah! I don't like it!".

"What?!" we all say, thinking that she is completely mad in the head. "It washes me out! Do you want to know who I think should try it on?" she says, just grinning.

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