Chapter 20

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Sanjay's POV

"I don't want to have any secrets or lies between us" she said by looking up at me.

"Of course, i agree" i nodded my head looking at her with a smile.

"Sanjay, mine is already a broken heart. It's very hard to mend it again with no scars" she said looking at me.

I didn't say anything but just kept gazing at her features, i sighed "Do you trust me?"

She looked tensed and nervous hearing my question. "Just say what's in your mind" i asked her again.

"I want to trust you but..." she paused her words while looking at me and continued, "but I'm scared"

I understood what she is having in her mind and chuckled sadly, "No worries, I'll gain your trust gradually"

"I...I'm sorry" she whispered with tears brimming in her eyes.

I take her hands in mine smiling at her, "No. I don't want to see your tears anymore" i wiped the tears on her cheeks and asked, "So, Are you ready to give me a chance for us?" i asked her by pointing both of us.

She smiled, "Yes". I grinned looking at her and placed a soft kiss on her cheeks making her blush more.

"I have one question" she said all of a sudden after few mins of silence. I nodded at her to ask me.

"Do you want to marry me just because you can get your ancestral property or because you love me?" she asked the unexpected question.

"You should not have any doubts. I want to marry you because I'm madly in love with you" i confessed my feelings towards her.

"Then what about this ancestral property issues?" next question from her.

I didn't say anything for that but stayed calm looking at her.

"Sanjay?" she called my name to get my attention when i looked away from her.

Afer a few minutes of silence, she asked "Have you lied anything to me?"

I pretended to cough and looking for a water in my desk. She got up immediately and got me a glass of water and looking at me curiously.

I drank the whole glass in a gulp avoiding her gaze on me while she extended her hands to get the glass from me.

I smiled slightly by avoiding my gaze at her but decided to tell her the truth not wanting to hide anything from her anymore.

I adjusted my throat, "Well, yeah. Once"

There was no reaction from her but still kept her gaze on me without moving her sight anywhere from me.

"There is no such issues in my ancestral property" after a long struggle i confessed my lie in front of her.

"Why did you lie to me?" she asked me in a choked voice. I could sense that she is in the verge of crying.

Silence was my answer for her question and she continues in a sobbing voice, "This is the reason why I'm unable to trust anyone anymore. We didn't even take the first step in my life and you lied to me even before that. How do you expect me to take this further?" she pointed both of us and yelled at me with tears in her eyes.

She shoved my hands from hers and got up from her seat but i hold her closely to me not ready to leave her and said, "No No no Sonam, Please don't say like that. It was not as you think, Sonam"

She chuckled bitterly at me, "Not as i think? How so?" she glared at me angrily.

"I lied because..." i paused at my words of unable to frame it and she continued, "Because?"

I was struggling to form a words to convey what i want to say but i couldn't say anything when i look at her.

"Because, you thought to use this ancestral property matter to get me married to you? All this love drama is just to make a fool out of me right?"  she yelled at me angrily.

"No Sonam, my love for you was not a drama. I really love you. Trust me" i tried to convince her.

"Trust you? " she huffed waving her hands in the air and stared at my eyes, "Never" she nodded her head negatively making me tensed and nervous.

I forget to blink and my gaze never moved away from her and she shoved me away form her. She walked towards the door saying, "You don't deserve me, Sanjay" by saying that she rushed out of my office ignoring my pleads.

"Sanjay, Sanjay" i feel someone shaking me hardly and it's none other Sonam who is sitting beside me looking at me with concern.

"What happened to you? Back to earth" she chuckled looking at my scared face.

"Nothing. Was thinking something else" i tried to convince her.

"I asked you something and waiting for your answer" back to her question.

I gulped recalling the dream i had and decided not to reveal anything now or atleast until the marriage.

I smiled widely adjusting my suit, "No"

Her smile becomes wide looking at me , "Thank you"

"So? If your interrogations are over, shall we start our marriage preparations?" i asked her

She blushed at my words and nod her head as yes and got up from her seat, "I'll go back to my place. It's been a long time i have been here. People would have started searching for me"

"Yeah, OK" i said sending her off from my cabin.

I slumped my body on the sofa in my room, thinking how she is going to react when she gets to know the truth.

"She won't believe me if i say that i lied to her regarding the property issues. Oh god, Please help me in burying this lie forever in my life" i whispered to myself.

I called to my dad immediately and told them to start prepare for the marriage. I don't want to leave any chance of letting her know my lie or leaving me at any cost.

It would be best, if the marriage happens as early as possible. 


Here is the next chapter. Hope you all like it. Please share your views and votes.

What Sonam will do when she comes to know the truth? Any guess?

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