Chapter 17

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Sonam's POV:

I jerked up from my bed hearing the door bell which is already piercing my ear. I lazily walked towards the door to open it and found Geet on the door.

"What happened to your mobile? I was calling you for long time" she asked me shockingly.

"Why are you here so early?" i locked the door once she is in and once again made myself comfortable in the bed.

She too laid beside me putting one of her legs on mine asking me, "How was your party yesterday?"

A smile escaped from my lips having my eyes shut and she continued, "Why didn't you message me once you were home? I was waiting for your call to hear some hot news"

"I agreed to marry him" i silently said those words with my eyes closed and there was a pin drop silence for few seconds.

I opened my eyes to see her reaction and she is starring at me with her eyes wide open.

I chuckled looking at her, "What?"

"When did that happen?" she asked.

"Yesterday, after the party" i replied with a smile.

"How? Why?" she gives me a confused look.

I got up from the bed walking towards my washroom and said, "I don't know how it happened and why i said yes, but the truth is i don't regret it"

"Wareh wah" she squeals in excitement, i blushed and hide myself in the bathroom to get refresh.

When i came out, i saw Geet is packing my dresses and my other stuffs. "Why are you packing my things?"

"Have you forgot that you supposed to shift to my place this weekend? Go and pack the other necessary things you need" she said and continue packing my things.

We both finally packed everything the things i need and booked a cab to reach her flat.

I placed my things in another room opposite to hers and settle down in the bed to relax for sometime. Actually, this is the flat where me and Geet used to share before i moved in with Pranav to another flat and now i feel like I'm home finally.

My mobile started ringing when i tried to close my eyes and it's none other than my boss, Sanjay.

A genuine smile appeared on my face seeing his number and with that excitement i responded his call, "Sir"

"Sir?" i questioned me.

I rolled my eyes thinking how he shrinked his eyebrows hearing me addressing him as sir. I tried to address him with his name, but i feel so hesitant to call him by his name.

"I'm waiting" he said.

I very well know that he will not say anything further until i say his name. I chuckled hearing him humming some songs in the middle and seriously not talking anything but waiting for me to say his name. And i must say that, really this man is having a lot of patience in him.

I adjust my throat and whispered, "Sanjay"

"I loved to hear my name from you" he chuckled sensing my hesitant and continued, "I want to take you out today, so be ready by 6 pm in the evening. I will be coming to your flat to pick you up"

I jerked up from the bed and make myself sit straight in the bed and getting tensed listening his words.

"Where are we going?" i get curious to know where he is going to take me out.

"Surprise. You will know it once we go there" he chuckled listening my irritated sound.

He continued, "And i have ordered a dress for you and it will be there in your flat by noon. I want you to wear that today"

"Oh, but i shifted to my friend Geet's flat. I am there already" i said quickly to make sure he should not send the dress to wrong address.

"Fine, message me the address and i will send the dress there"

"Okay" i sighed.

"Are you not excited to go out with me?" suddenly he asked me a question

"Uh..uh...not like that but i am just trying to find out where you are going to take me" i reasoned him.

"Trust me, you will be surprised for sure" he said with so much of confidence.

"You are so sure about that?" 

"Because, i know it will be" he said

I let out a heavy sigh and we talked about some random stuffs for some more time before he disconnected the call.

The curiosity in me reached to an extent where i tried to call him again myself and asked him where he is planning to take me. Seriously i couldn't stand up with this kind of  suspense.

As expected, he disconnected my call without saying anything and asked me to wait for him in the evening.


I got ready and waiting for him to pick me up. Today everything was so abnormal even everyone behaved with me also was not the usual way. Especially this Geet, she was so anxious from morning and when i asked her the reason she was blabbering something not related to the topic at all and seems very tensed, excited and nervous too.

And to the most shocking part is, she got ready and left the flat prior to me stating some bullshit reason. And I'm sure she is hiding something from me.

All my thoughts were stopped hearing the doorbell and wantonly a smile escaped from my lips seeing the person who is the reason for my smile,  standing at the entrance of my flat and throwing his sexy smile towards me.

I blush seeing his gaze at me from top to bottom and stepped inside making me go back a step.

We both stopped in the midway of the living room and i kept looking everywhere in the room but him.

I suddenly feel so hot being in the same room with him and couldn't bare his gaze at me anymore i took the initiative, "Shall we leave?"

He didn't answer me but pulled me towards him, he removed the clip around my bun and let my hair fall down on my shoulders.

I let out a gasp in shock thinking that how much time i spent to make this bun and he simply spoiled it just like that.

"Why did you do that?" my tone clearly depicted that i am angry on him.

"You look beautiful when you let your hair free"

I moved my gaze away from him showing that I'm still angry on him for spoiling my hair style and try to free from his grip.

He didn't bulge not even for a bit, but leaning down close to my face as if he is trying to kiss  me.

I turned my face to other side so that if he want to kiss me, then he can kiss on my cheeks.

I waited for his lips on my cheeks but instead i feel his hot breathe on my neck which gives me a goosebumps and literally i felt that the hair at the back of my neck stands straight.

I sense him inhaling the fragrance of my body gives me a shiver and i hold his arms tightly of unable to tolerate his sweet torture.

"I love your fragrance" he whispered in my ear rolling his finger on my neck and down towards my collar bone.

He pulled away from me,  let out a sigh looking at me and said, "It's time for us to leave"

With that saying, he dragged outside my flat and he himself locked the door and continued dragging me all the way to his car as if I'm the reason for the delay.

There is a mischievous glint in his eyes all the while through the drive and when i asked him he told me to be patient.

I'm getting headache now of not knowing the reason behind all these actions of him and my head aches badly to know the surprise he planned.

What it could be? Any guess?


Hi guys, hope you all like this chapter.

Any guess on the surprise?

Pls share your votes and comments.

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