Chapter 55: Fluff & Stuff

Start from the beginning

As if on cue, Brighton starts whining and squirming.

"Fine..." Ali mutters. She sits Brighton on the bed, and lifts up her shirt. She picks her back up, and begins to nurse the baby.

"You nursed Emma and Anders until they were 18 months. You said you would with them two, too." I say, chuckling at the end of my statement.

"They're 14 months right now. Only 4 more months to go." I add.

"I want to be sleeping." I whine.

"Okay." Emily replies, and gets up.

"Emma, Anders, come on." Emily orders, opening the door.

The two get up, and trudge to the door, hanging their heads.

"Em, wait." I say.


"I want you to stay." I say, innocently.

Brighton opens her eyes, and turns her head towards Emily, causing milk to run down her chin to her neck.

"Estelle!" I say, using her middle name. She quickly turns back and looks at me, pouting.

"I can't stay mad at that face!" I say, and kiss her nose, making her giggle.

I look up, and I see Emily's eyes narrowed at something as she's in some sort of trance.

I follow her eyes, and see she's staring at my cleavage. I smirk to myself, and I lift up Brighton's head, continuing to nurse her.

"I'm going to see if anyone else is awake. And get breakfast ready." Emily says, rushing downstairs.

Oh, god.

When Brighton pulled away from Ali, and I could see Alison's breasts, I had this feeling.

We haven't had sex since like a month before she got pregnant with Levi and Brighton.

That's over a year. Like 16 months.

As I was standing in the doorway staring at her, I could feel myself getting wet. Needing her.

I'm such a friggin' horn-dog!

We just never have time.

11 kids, 5 being babies, and 6 adults. Don't forget the super clingy, needy dog. I do love that dog though.

I go in the kitchen and I see Hanna making breakfast. Being a mom has really changed her. In a good way.

Levi comes rolling down on his bottom, laughing so much he has tears in his eyes.

I run over to him shouting "I'm gonna getcha!" Which makes him giggle more.

"I'm never going to be able to wean her if she doesn't stop nursing!" Alison yells from the top of the long stair case.

I look at the blonde who is wearing gray sweat pants and an over sized Green Bay Packers shirt on, with a baby clinging to her chest as she nurses her.

I laugh as I pick up Levi from the floor as he stairs at Alison.

"A few more months!" I yell back, happily.

"Ugh!" She groans and trudges back to our room, with a now startled baby in her arms from her loud outburst.

"Mama." Levi says, and by the way he said it, I know it's because he wants to nurse.

"No." I say, and I go into the kitchen and I give him a bottle of breast milk.

"Sexually frustrated?" Hanna asks. I just stare at her.

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