"mom" harry says


"i think after this album and tour i am taking a year off" harry says "i filmed a movie released an album a world tour promo for the movie and now recording again"

"i can tell your tired" anne says " have you found a makeup artist"

"i did but she didnt last" harry says

"what did she smell funny"

"no she fucked up my eyebrows" harry says as he points to his eyebrows "see"

"ohh boy" anne says laughing

"i told liam to ask louis sister to come work for me but she said no" harry says

"well i dont know why you thought she would" anne says

"well i have to get going just wanted to stop by" harry says as he walks out the door and anne calls liam and niall as she gets in her car and goes to the hospital and soon walks in the room

"how is he" anne asks

"mr tomlinson is upset he is at 6 CM and missed the chance to get an epidural" jay says laughing

"call your son to come get his kid" louis says with a pout

"well that is what happens when you have sex with no protection" jay says

"uughgh" louis says as he gets another contraction as jay holds his hand "mom where is zayn"

"he is on his way" jay says

"man these contractions are a bitch" louis says as he massages his belly

"well they are but not going to get easier" jay says as the doctor walks in and zayn behind him

"well let me check you" the doctor says "ohh my you are ready to push"

"no wait i am not ready" louis says crying as zayn goes to louis and hugs him

"well ready or not this little troublemaker is ready to come out" the doctor says

"ok" louis says as the nurses walk in and start to set up everything they need and the nurse gives louis zayn and jay instruction on what to do as liam and niall walk outside of the room and wait and a few hours later liam and niall hear a cry and start to hug each other and the door opens

"come in" zayn says with a smile as niall and liam walk in

"meet your nephew" anne says as she holds the baby

"louis how are you feeling" liam asks as he goes to louis

"better" louis says with a smile "so happy he is here"

"i have bad news for you louis" anne syas

"what is it is the baby ok" louis says worried

"he is perfect but he looks just like his father" anne says as she hands louis a picture of harry when he was born

"why me" louis says

"so do you have a name for this little guy" anne says as liam takes the baby from anne

"umm anne i know my son is harrys and i want you to know that i want to give him harrys last name and put him on the birth certificate"

"really" anne says as she puts her hand over her mouth

"yeah just in case If one day my son wants to have a relationship with him i dont have to do it later" louis says

"thank you louis" anne says as she gives louis a hug "anyone want to place bets on eye color" anne says laughing

The PopStar And The Make-up Artist MPREGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora