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October 28th, Wednesday

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Pudding Cup ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**

"What do you need my help for? Don't you know the answer to all of these already?" Oreo asks me, as he scans the sheet I got with the instructions on it.

"Clearly, your biggest weakness is reading the instructions carefully," I say, lifting an eyebrow and grinning. "Did you read the sentence at the top?"

"Was that important?" he whispers, his voice three octaves higher, his eyes darting to the top of the page.

"Interview someone who has lived in or currently lives in France..." he mutters under his breathe.

"Oh!" he exclaims, slapping his forehead and looking up at me.

"I lived in France for a while!" he says, grinning.

"Yeah, dumbass," I say, smiling and scratching the back of my neck.

"There's questions on the back about your "France experience" you missed too. And we need to record. So yes, you are kind of an important part of this project," I tell him, watching as he flips the paper around, scanning the neglected backside.

"Okay, uhh..." he says, scribbling in his information in the empty boxes, tongue stuck out slightly.

Christ. Of course he needs to be all cute. Fuck this.

"Aight, done! Do we need to just record?" he asks me, handing me the paper.

"Yeah and go. Slowly. Don't use big words," I warn him, going on the camera app on my phone, swiping to the video option.

"Aye aye captain," he responds, saluting.

I put up three fingers and count down, pressing the record button at zero.

"Hello, what's your name?" I ask him in French.

"Hi! My name is Oreo," he responds, smiling at me.

I look away, feeling my stupid face flush, reading the next question. 

We go back and forth as I ask him basic questions an he responds with basic answers.

"When is your birthday?"

"December 10th!"

"What's your favorite dessert?"

"Haha! Oreos."

"What do you do in your free time?"

"I like to hang out with my friends and I've been gardening recently!"

I gave him a quick eyebrow raise at that one to which he silently responds with a toothy grin.

This goes on for the next couple minutes.

I couldn't really understand some of the stuff he was saying, but it was fun. Just hanging out, even if it was because of school.

"Nice!" I say, stopping the recording and immediately following that up with a "You do gardening? Since when?"

"Like over summer break? Sometime in July?" he responds, shrugging.

"Dude, that's so cool," I tell him, picking up my backpack and getting up. He follows suit and we walk to the door.

"It's nothing super cool," he replies bashfully, "just a rosebush, with some bell flowers and marigolds."

"Who cares if it's not that impressive?" I tell him, shrugging as I put my hand on the door handle leading to the study room where everyone else was. "I mean, you wanted to do it and you just did it, right? I never have enough motivation to do shit that I want to. And it sounds rad."

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