Chapter 15 || Tattered and bloody

Start from the beginning

And I sort of couldn't breath at the moment.

"Shit!" I heard someone yell from the truck.

But that was all I could register. Because the freaking stupid werewolf was cutting off air circulation in my body. And I was starting to see black dots dancing around.

Just as i was about to black out the beast suddenly dropped me and fell to the ground. Going completely and totally limp.

I gasped as I myself hit the ground. Trying to take in air as quickly as possible.

I sort of went into a black out for a second. Well not really, you know that point where you are about to black out, but not. Anyways, that was where I was until Treesa started shaking me, getting me out of my daze.

I watched as the guys got out of the truck, following Treesa and started looking around. But still staying near by.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Was I okay? Really? I seriously had a freaking werewolf holding me up by my neck, and she was asking if I was okay?

This was like asking Rob Ford if he wanted back in office. Plain and simply stupid.

We all knew he would accept the offer of course,, but we also know that he would be on drugs while doing so.\

Like I said, plain and simply stupid.

I was about to answer Treesa. But rustling in the woods stopped me.

I heard the cracking of branches, rustling of leaves, and then a man, reeking of power came walked through the woods.

know right, who can just reek of power? Some how this dude did though.

I was just going to assume that he was a werewolf.

Everyone looked up, Tanner, Tristan, and Treesa looking like they were ready to attack.

"Nice little trick I played there, eh?" the man said with a sickening smirk on his face.

And then with a snap of his fingers the beasts were back up on their feet and were once again looking like they were ready to eat us alive.

Holy shit, holy freaking shit.

They were looked their lips and growling, looking at us with their beedy little eyes.

Thankfully that's all they did.

We all looked back at the man standing before us.

With questioning looks on our faces.

'Who the hell are you?" Tristan quizzed, taking a closer step towards the strange man.

To be honest he kind of reminded me of Peter Hale from the first season of Teen Wolf. Only, like worse.

"Ahh, I thought you would never ask," the man said while he walked closer and closer towards us. Coming just a few feet away.

"I am Lycaon, and in case you all haven't brushed up on your werewolf history, I am the one that gave you your jobs," he said putting his hand out towards Tristan.

Tristan didn't take his hand. Giving him a blank look.

"Well I guess humans have become dimmer and dimmer as the centuries have gone by, do I really have to spell this out for you?" he looked around the group, everyone giving him blank stares "Well apparently I do." He said, giving us big eye roll,"I am the first werewolf."

"Seriously dude, who the hell are you?" Tanner said, giving him a deadpanned stare.

"Don't believe me, do you?" Lycaon laughed, "Well why don't you take a look at this, and then reconsider your first assumption, boy" he said, whilst pulling off his shirt and showing the mark of and upside down cross and the crescent of the moon on the edge.

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