Chapter 29: I Can Feel You

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Allie's POV:

I rush toward the light switch in the corner and flip it on. On the floor lays the boys. They look horrible. "No, no, no, what are you guys doing here? You were supposed to cross over, why didn't you cross over?" I ask, the tears returning to my eyes, this time in grief. 

No, they can't just not exist. A painful looking jolt rocks their bodies. "I guess playing the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business." Alex groans as they all pull themselves into sitting positions. "Point Caleb." Reggie grumbles. 

"We wanted you to think we crossed over so we pretended to. We just, we didn't have anywhere else to go." Luke says. Tears are now flowing freely down my cheeks. "We thought you would just go straight to bed." Reggie explains. 

"Yeah, well, I knew she would come down here, but no one ever listens to me." Alex complains. Another jolt goes through them. I rush over to them. "You three have to go. Now! Go, go join Caleb's club. Please, it's better than not exiting at all. You can't just not exist." I cry. 

I then back away and gesture to the exit. "Go, poof out, do something. Please, do it for me. Please guys I'm begging you." I sob. "We're not going back there." Reggie tells me. I look to Luke as he advances towards me. 

"No music is worth making, Allie, is we're not making it with you." He's right in front of me. "No regrets." He whispers. Not thinking about how I might just sail through him and land on the floor I jump up and embrace him, holding him tightly to me. 

"I love you. I love all of you." I mutter into his shoulder. Suddenly I feel a warmth spread through me and suddenly I can feel the texture of the vest Luke is wearing. I pull away and look up at him, running my hands land his arms, making sure this is real. He's also glowing brightly. 

"How can I feel you?" I mutter. "I-I don't know." He replying. I cup his face in my hands. He does the same with me. He smiles at the feel only of our skin touching. We remove our hands from the other's face and he grips mine in his. Like I'm going to disappear into this air. 

He glances back at Reggie and Alex, but not for long. We can't tear our gazes away from each other for too long. "I feel stronger." He admits. Then it dawns on me. "Alex, Reggie, come." I say, not looking away from Luke. They stumble over and soon we're in one giant group hug. 

More warmth is emitted and when we pull away both Alex and Reggie are glowing as well. "I don't feel as weak anymore." Reggie notices. "Me neither. Though, not that I was ever really that weak." Alex chimes in. I laugh at this. 

The three of them then turn their wrists over and three purple insignias float off their arms and disappear into this air. "What does that mean?" I ask them. Luke grins down at me. "I think that means that band's back." He says. I smile the widest I have ever have at those words. 

"Do you think we can try that hug thing one more time?" Alex asks. We all laugh and pull into another group hug. I can feel them. All of them. We pull away a little. "I like this." Reggie states through happy tears. I have my own in my eyes. "Me too." I say as we go back in. 

Behind Reggie and Alex's backs mine and Luke's hands are grasped tightly onto each other. When we pull away from the hug Reggie and Alex decide that to give the two of us some privacy. We go and sit down on the couch, reveling in the fact that we can feel one another. 

We're both laying down on the couch, Luke behind me with one arm wrapped securely around my waist and the other playing with my hair. I'm facing towards him, my head laying on his chest. "I thought all of you were gone. I-I-" 

"Hey, it's ok, we don't have to talk about it." He whispers to me, continuing to run his fingers through my soft brown locks. I nod, accepting this. We stay like this for hours, eventually falling asleep like this. When I wake up sun is streaming through the windows. 

I look up to see Luke's peaceful sleeping face and smile. It wasn't a dream. They're all here. They're all ok. We won. He eyes slowly start to flutter open and he looks down at me with his beautiful hazel eyes. I smile at him. "Morning." He grins back. "Good morning." 

The two of us sit up, looking around for Reggie and Alex. No where to be seen. I guess they didn't feel comfortable staying in here with us. When we're win an upright position Luke grabs one of my hands in both of his. I laugh. "Someone's a little touchy today." I grin. He smiles back. 

"That's because I can actually feel you. Allie, I can feel you. Do you know how long I've wanted to hold you hand? To know what you feel like?" He asks. I blush. I didn't realize he thought about it that much. 

I then remember Flynn's advice to me the day I went to Luke's parents to give them the song. I also ended up writing a song for him, but with everything going on, I never had a chance to play it for him. I look up at him and he gives me a curious grin. "What?" 

"I have something for you. A song. I wrote it for you and I never thought I'd get the chance to play it for you. Now that I do, I'm not wasting the time I have." I explains. He grins. "You wrote a song for me?" I nod, blushing. 

"Give me an hour to shower and change and then meet me in my room and I'll pay it for you." I tell him. He grins and nods. I go to stand up and he reluctantly lets go of my hands, allowing me to head inside the house. Here goes nothing. 

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