Chapter 13: A Brand New Day

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Allie's POV:

Two days later, Monday morning, I wake up in the best mood I have had in a while. I sit straight up, grinning, before heading over to my closet to get ready fro school. I grab a pain of skinny jeans like normal, but as I go to reach for a baggy sweater I pause. I don't feel like wearing sweater today.

Instead my hand shifts over to my normal shirts and I grab a cropped flannel. Ginning I change and the head to my shoes. Instead of grabbing my normal combat boots or some vans I grab my heeled combat boots and slip them on.

I leave my hair down, but still place my beanie onto my head. Can't have too much change. Smiling at my reflecting I grab my backpack and music journal before heading out of my room and downstairs. When I get there my sister is pouring herself a bowl of cereal.

She stops when she sees me and her eyes go wide. "You look-" "Good, different, amazing." I list, going over and grabbing an apple. "I was gonna say happy, but those work too. Why the change?" She asks.

"I don't know, I just woke up this morning feeling different so I've decided to go with it." I explain. She nods, smiling at me. "Well good. Oh, eat quickly, we leave in ten minutes." I nod and take a bite out of my apple.

Thirty minutes later Julie and I are walking though the hallways at school. I have my headphones in and am jamming out to music when we get to our lockers. I don't take them out until Flynn appears next to us. Her eyes widen when she sees me. "Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just nice. You know, see you back to normal. You're actually wearing a shirt." She says. I roll my eyes. "Hey, I wore shirts before." I say. "Sweaters don't count." I just roll my eyes. "So, how's the band? Still hot? Still talented? Still dead?" She asks. I laugh a little.

"They're great. Luke and I spent the entire weekend writing songs together. You guys wanna hear some of them?" I ask grinning. "Of course!" Flynn says. "Yes please, you wouldn't let me in the garage all weekend, I'm dying to hear." Julie explains.

I nod and lead them to the music room where I take my place behind the piano. "So this is the first some Luke and I wrote." I say. I start playing the keys.


Cause we're standing on the edge of great!



"Wow! I like it, definite Gaga vibes." Flynn says. "Totally." Julie adds. "Ok, I think we have a real anthem with this one. It was the last song mom and I worked on together. Luke helped me finish it." I say. I start playing again.


And it's one, two, three, four times
That I try for one more night

Light a fire in my eyes
I'm going outta my mind

Julie grins at me. "It's beautiful Al." She says. I smile and nod. "And our girl's got a crush and his name is Luke." Flynn says. My eyes widen. "What? Come on Flynn, Luke's a ghost." I say. "A cute ghost." She tries. I blush and look down. "With a perfect smile." 

"HA! I knew it! Just remember he's made of air." She reminds me. "Cute air." I try. They laugh. "Just don't get hurt, ok?" Julie tells me. I smile and nod at them. "Obviously you have a connection. Everybody's talking about when you're gonna play again." Flynn explains. 

"Play again? We have nothing planned. Luke and I have just been focused on writing songs." I tell them. "Lucky for you, your marketing team has been way ahead of you." Flynn says, reaching for her backpack. "We don't have a marketing team." I tell her. 

She pulls out a flyers for our band playing tonights dance. "Yeah you do, you're playing tonight's dance and we're DJ-ing too. We posted it all over social media. You have an excellent marketing team." Julie says with a smirk. My eyes widen as I grab the flyer. 

"Uh, no. That's gonna be in front of the entire school." I tell them. Flynn's phone buzzes and she looks at it. "Sorry, but it already has 68 likes." With that the two of them speed walk out of the classroom. "Wait!" I call, grabbing my backpack and song journal, following after them. 

By the end of the school day I can't convince them to pull us out so I go home to tell the guys. When I get there Alex is gone, but Luke and Reggie are them, mumbling lyrics, trying to see what fits where in a new song we're working on. They turn to look at me.

Their eyes widen while I roll my own. I've been getting looks like this all day. "Wow, you look different." Reggie says. Luke smacks him and smiles at me. "Good, he meant you look good." I just smile before going over to them and handing them the flyer Flynn and Julie made.

"We're playing a school dance? Sweet!" Reggie says. "It's not exactly the Strip." Luke comments. "And you're not exactly alive, so maybe you should be happy that we have our first gig." Reggie fires back.

"You know, I wasn't in love with the idea at first either, but I figure that it'll be a good way to grow our following." I tell them. Luke nods, coming around. "Yeah, yeah, we need to play wherever we can, whenever we can." Reggie agrees.

"No, you're right. Let's rock those kid's faces off and then play the clubs." Luke says. "And then record a single that gets a billion streams." I state. "I don't know what that means, but I'm hoping it'll get us a manager and a tour?" Luke asks. I nod, grinning.

"Then we'll release a bunch of hit albums." I state. "And put out a country album that does surprisingly well." Reggie chimes in. Luke and I give him a questioning look. "I shred on the" "Then I'll learn how to fiddle." I laugh.

"And before you know it, we're being inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame!" Luke exclaims. "Oh, but one of us isn't there because we had a fall out in 2032. My bets are on Alex. He's just so sensitive." Reggie whispers. I just grin wider and shake my head.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's get rehearsing!" Luke says. "Where is Alex anyways?" I ask. They just shrug. "Well we can work on a few notes while we wait." I tell them. They nod and we all go to our instruments. 

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