Titulo Original Aquí

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Solomon: Get down from there!

Jack: *Up on something* Of course not!

Solomon: I'm going to call the police.

Jack: Go ahead, I will fight with them!

Solomon: I have a soda.

Jack: *Gets down and takes the soda*...I would definitely have beaten them up.

Solomon: I know you would.


Ulifer: I love you so much.

Grimm: I love you too, so much that it hurts.

Ulifer: *Hits Grimm in the arm*

Grimm: ¡Ouch! Why did you do that?

Ulifer: What? You said that you love me so much that it hurts.



Grimm: Touché


Chuck: I want to pass the rest of my life with you!

Goldity: Look, don't be threatening me-

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