Jasper x Steven

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Me: I like the ship, I bet there fusion is beautiful!

Amethyst: I'm not so sure.....

Garnet: NEVER

Pearl: she's not a good influence on him

Me: your one to talk...

*Meanwhile Steven is hitting his head against a wall, trying to figure out why he's shipped with everyone he knows*

Pearl: where's Steven?

Me: why worried about your boyfriend?~

Pearl: he is not my boyfriend

Me: oh ya!? Look at this

 Pearl: I don't remember this

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Pearl: I don't remember this

Amethyst: YOU have a thing for STEVEN!?!

Garnet: how did I not see this

Connie: if only I knew he had a crush on pearl....

Me: who invented you?

Connie: peridot

Me: who invented her!?

Peridot: it was bismuth


pearl: me......

Me: please bring Steven to me

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