Chapter 3: Stubborn Ultralink, Stubborn Girl

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"I apologize for all the trouble I may have caused. I think its safe enough to request that N-Tek and Max Steel defeat Lord Makino in the other universe. I believe I can explain more than the ItsLavender girl can." A female voice spoke.

"Take me home right now! You've already hurt me when I got sent here. Now you want to apologize and ask Max Steel and N-Tek to destroy Makino!?" I asked exasperated. "Its not like I could before! I had to wait for the right moment. I sent you here because you were about to be killed by my squad captain. A thank you is most appreciated. Humans are so selfish!" Omega x273 exclaimed.

"Well you've got a salty attitude! You don't deserve a thank you when I was nearly killed by Extroyer and Dredd as well! If you hadn't sent me here, I could've been spending my day like a normal teenager would after school. Its not like I get a choice on my life. Clearly I'm at the whims of everyone better than me!" I exclaimed back.

"Enough! Both of you shut your traps before I make you!" Forge commands. Omega x273 and I glare at each other in silence. Max and Steel take a few feet back in response to the moment. "We'll be in the holo-sim training-" Max starts. "No, you're staying here. We have more pressing matters currently." Forge states.

"I'm getting the feeling that things just got worse." Steel mumbles to Max. Max groans in response. "You think?"

"If you don't mind, I'll get to explaining. Unless there's someone who wants to stop me because they currently dislike me." Omega x273 states. "Just do it already! I don't care what you say, I just want to go home and ignore all of this." I exclaimed.

"When I was first brought to Earth in the girl's universe, I originally got the idea of deserting based of the stories of Steel and Torbolt. During my mission briefing, the girl's image came up as well as her name, ItsLavender." "That's not my real name!" I countered, cutting it off.

"Anyways, due to most information being confidential, we couldn't learn her schedule. My squad captain mentioned that she was known as a Seer. I don't know what a seer is, but they sound powerful." It finished. "Seer? Since when did I earn that title? That sounds like I have some kind of powers." I state.

"Its because you do. Or so I've been told. What Lord Makino wants with a human is not computable with my knowledge of this primitive planet. At least there are universe where Earth isn't as primitive as your universe, ItLavender." It comments.

I huffed in annoyance. "My name is Alyssa. Stop calling me ItsLavender you hunk of metal! Its already bad enough that Makino is back from the grave again. And you take me to another universe to mock my home universe and refuse to ask for my name! Steel is way better than you in this case. I'm not going to get involved with this shit show. You're taking me home right now or else I'll tear you open so I can make whatever device create a portal to take me home." I threatened.

"Woah. Woah. Calm down. Do you even hear yourself? If you destroy the ultralink, you won't be able to go home at all." Max points out. "If its alright with you Commander, maybe we should continue this when Alyssa isn't as stressed as she currently is. She could rest at Max's apartment for a few days. Clear her head." Steel suggests.

Forge nods in agreement. "Very well. We'll continue this in two days. This meeting is adjourned." Forge said, leaving us. The ultralink huffs and I do the same. "If you had let me explain to the Commander, you would've been home sooner. If all humans are as selfish as you, then your universe is the one place I don't want to be." The ultralink states.

"Besides that, why don't we give you a better name? Going by your ultralink designation will get tiring eventually." Steel mentions. "I'm going to assume you're a girl ultralink. And with the color on you, maybe a shade of purple can become your name." Max adds.

"So now your going to become friends with the very thing that could've killed me!? I was sent to this universe falling from the sky. If you hadn't saved me, my home would be destroyed and I'd never get to see my family and friends again." I stated.

Taking my backpack off, I rummage through the contents until I found my phone. I was surprised to find a bunch of notifications, especially from my dad. I begin to tear up knowing that everyone knows I'm missing. I read each and every message and I'm sobbing by the end of it.

"Going home really means a lot to you, huh?" Max asked. I silently nodded. "I can't imagine how my mom would react if I disappeared without any warning." Max states. "Its not just that. My dad means the world to me. Its already hard for him to be a single parent. Single fathers don't get as much help as single mothers. He must be distraught over this. And if I'm gone for too long, he might consider suicide. And I hate it when that thought comes to mind. I just want to go home and not worry him anymore. It hurts me knowing that he's hurting." I sniffled.

"I- I didn't realize that your father would react that way. I thought I was protecting you but I only hurt you and your family. I'm not programmed to understand human emotions but, perhaps I should learn to be a little bit gentler when I'm with you." It says.

I don't respond. But I blurt out the first thing that I thought of. "Violet." I said. "Violet? You mean my name?" It asked. I nodded. "Purple is sometimes called Violet. Besides, that's the shade you're closest to." I stated.

"Why don't we head to my place? You need your rest, Alyssa." Max states. I shrugged. "Okay. I might as well with my headache from crying." I responded.

The four of us enter Max's apartment and I practically collapse onto the couch. Violet floated next to Steel and Max sat in a chair. "You sure you don't want to sleep in my bed? You've got to be exhausted from today." Max points out. "If I end up falling asleep, I'd rather it be the couch then your bed. Besides, my bed at home is way comfier in my opinion." I stated.

"I should probably head back to make sure my captain doesn't get suspicious. I'll be back to take you all to Alyssa's universe to stop Lord Makino." Violet says. "Just call him Makino, Violet. If you're with us and going to side with N-Tek, call him Makino instead of adding the 'lord' part." I said.

"I'll try that later. I've got to go. Bye." Violet opens a portal and leaves. I sighed and a yawn escaped my mouth. "Go sleep in Max's room. If his parents ask, we'll explain the current issue to them." Steel states. I reluctantly got up and went into Max's room. Laying down onto his bed, I felt my exhaustion take over and I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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