"What are you doing here?" I say confused.

"I'm taking you to your interview?" I shake my car keys in front of her.

"I can drive Ray." She waves her hand around.

"I ain't ask all that. Get in." I laugh and get into the passenger seat of her car.

"You look cute." She says pointing at me. "Aww thanks ugly." I say giggling

She looks at me and flips me off. "Put the place in my maps please." I pick up her phone and type it in.

"You get there 20 minutes early Malina." Raylee says starting the car. I put my seatbelt on and look at her.

"I wanted to get there early and give myself a little pep talk in the car before I went in. I'm about to meet Roddy Ricch." I say groaning.

Raylee drives down the road, following the map.

"Well I mean, I feel you are gonna need a lot more than 20 minutes. You are about to LIVE with this man. But seriously, this is a great thing. Imagine meeting your favourite rapper only to find out you are about to live with them." She says to me.

She looks at me momentarily. "You think he crazy? I feel like them quiet ones be doing the most. He literally makes music and then dips. He must have a little crazy in him." Raylee says, stopping at a red light.

I laugh and shrug. "I don't know. I guess we'll find out. I'm glad it's him and not someone I despised. I would have quit on the spot." I say slapping my hands against my thighs.

About 40 minutes later we arrive. Raylee made sure to take her time with the drive so we got there at the right time.

"We have 5 minutes now. I hope you gave yourself that pep talk." She says raising her eyebrows.

I nod. "The drive kind of calmed my nerves a little. But I know as soon as I step into that building, my mind is just going to start racing again."

Raylee laughs and unbuckles her seatbelt. "Well I'm gonna try get in the room with you. I wanna meet Roddy."

I step out of the car, grabbing my handbag and put it on my shoulder. I close the door and Raylee locks it.

She locks arms with me and pulls me into the building. "You are gonna be fine Lina!"

We walk up to the desk and wait on the lady to be done on the phone. She finally puts the phone down and then looks at us with a wide smile.

"Hi, how can I help?"

"Hello, I'm here for the interview? At 12.45?"

She types something into the computer. "Malina Robin?" I nod and she looks at Raylee. "Do you have one too?"

"No just here for moral support." Raylee says squeezing my arm. "Okay, have a seat over there and someone will be with you shortly." She says pointing to the lime green couch across from her.

"Thank you." I say to her smiling. Me and Raylee sit on the couch and she turns to me.

"Girl, this couch is ugly as fuck." She says whispering. I let out a little laugh and agree with her. "Yeah it is."

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