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Hi and welcome to chapter 16! This is another loooong one so once again, it's going to be split between this one and 17. I'd say we're almost halfway, but not quite. Strap yourselves in for this chapter. There is some unusual behaviour. Please vote, comment and follow if you enjoy. Also, once again, if you haven't come across this book from wacky writers then please join up-it's just like the old WP forums.


I spent the whole week with my stomach in a knot and butterflies sending me crazy. I was lucky I had the cafe to keep me busy, otherwise I think I'd have spiraled and cancelled on Mason. Josie had to prise the phone out of my hand on multiple occasions during our lunch breaks and it was a miracle she succeeded so many times.

It was like the woman had a sixth sense.

I fastened the ties on my apron for the billionth time today, my nervous fidgeting meant that they were coming undone more often than not. I glanced at the clock and groaned, how could it only be eleven am? These next eight hours were going to drag painfully, especially if I continued to clock watch every five seconds. The same playlist on rotation did not help either. I outwardly groaned as Michael Buble sang 'haven't met you yet' for the fifth time since we opened. As though she could sense it, Josie came up behind me with her usual cheery disposition nowhere to be found.

"You know, staring at the clock won't make it go any quicker," She said, dodging past me to refill the cupcake stand.

I breathed out slowly through my nose, "Josie what if this is a bad idea?" I asked.

Josie furrowed her brows and opened her mouth to speak, when a customer clicking his fingers caught my attention.

"Excuse me? Can you have your conversation later? I've been waiting on two coffees for fifteen minutes now!"

Josie placed her fist on her hip, the tea-towel in her hand making a slap sound against her skirt. I, on the other hand, shrank back at the man's obvious anger. I was making progress, but sudden outbursts like this were enough to send my heart irrationally racing. I took a deep breath and began to make my way over, when Josie held out her hand in front of my chest, effectively smacking it into my boobs. I looked at her, confusion written across my face.

She sauntered over to the man, who gulped a little as she approached. Josie was a lithe and delicate thing, but her eyes were fueled by fire and I knew never to mess with her. She folded her arms as she reached the table, and all I could do was watch helplessly as she sweetly berated the customer.

"Just because we're waitresses you think we can't tell the time? I know you don't think I'm dumb enough to believe you sat there for fifteen minutes in a half empty cafe with no service?"

I stared at Josie, my open mouth catching flies as I couldn't believe my ears. We had our fair share of rude customers, who believed that being old came with a be a bitch for free card, but Josie never retaliated in this manner. The man attempted to string a sentence along, but he was just as shocked as I was.

"I took your order at ten fifty five. It is now-" She paused to look at the clock, "Eleven oh four. If you took your eyes from the blonde in the corner, you'd see your coffees sitting at the machine waiting to be brought over."

The man's wife glared at him and all he could do was shrug at her as he waited for Josie to continue her tirade. Instead, Josie simply smiled at him and went to the counter for the coffees. She brought them over and placed them down gently on the table.

"Can I get you anything else Sir? Ma'am?"

Both shook their heads quickly and Josie left them alone, returning back to me where I still stood in shock.

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