The Legend's Homecoming

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Hey, Familia of the Closet! How are you doing during the pandemic? Leave in the comments on how you're doing. Also, leave your opinion on this title. I asked my friend for advice on the chapter title (She's read the whole book so far). So I asked her, and she just up and said, "The Legend's Homecoming." I was just like, "That may have been the most badass thing you've ever said." Lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter of The Gunpowder Blade. Love you all so much! <3




"Link Start"

My panicked face turned to an angered one.

"There's no fucking way." I pulled my leg back and kicked the door in. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "K-Ka..." I stuttered. "Kayaba..." The name slipped out of my mouth. In the room were 4 people; Kazuto, Asada, and Suguha were laid on tables with NerveGears on; and Akihiko Kayaba, the creator of Sword Art Online. He was sitting next to a monitor in the back of the room.

"Ah, Tsuboi Ryotarou. Nice of you to join us. Please, put down your weapon and choose a table." Kayaba pulled out a Government issue M1911 Colt handgun from his coat pocket and aimed it at me. I snarled, but walked to the table nearest to me and placed my sword on the floor. "Please, hand me your cellphone." I did as I was told. I sat down on the table and waited for instructions. "I'm gonna need you to do something for me."

"What?" I growled.

"So much hostility. Even The Black Swordsman didn't have this much. He practically went without a fight. Then again, you are The Klein of the Fuurinkazan." He spoke slyly. Every word that came out of his mouth made me want to snap his neck even more.

"What do you want?" I growled once more.

"I need you to call the rest of your friends. Get them to come to this place. And also choose a table. And make sure to tell them that if any of them contacts the authorities, I will put a bullet in each one of your heads." Kayaba ordered. I took my phone back from him and dialed the group chat. It rang for about 30 seconds.


Everyone spoke at one time.


"Klein, what's up?"

"I need you all to do something for me."


"I'm gonna send coordinates. I need you to go to them."

"Why? Isn't that all the way up in the Kanto Mountains?"

"I can't answer your questions. All I can say is that if you call the cops, Kirito, Suguha, Asada, and I will all die."

"What?! What's going on?"

"Just go to the coordinates."

I hung up. Kayaba took the phone from me and picked up my sword. He walked over to the desk and set the two objects down.

"Now, lay down flat." He ordered. I shook my head, ashamed that I was putting up with this. But it's for Kazuto, Asada... and Suguha. I laid down on the table and waited for the next instructions. Kayaba walked over with what seemed to be a NerveGear, but something was different. It was wireless, and more futuristic-looking. 

"What the hell is that?" I asked in a confused manner. Kayaba had a fortuitous grin on his face. 

"This, my friend, is the NerveGear 2.0. I used the last of my fortune to create this one prototype. And you are going to be my Guinea Pig." He grinned. I was speechless. I was his test subject, and I couldn't do anything about it. Damn it. Kayaba slid the NerveGear 2.0 onto my head and turned it on. "Now, relax, close your eyes, and you know the rest." 

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