It was hard to tell if they were all trying to get along, or just awkwardly standing in silence. Legolas's face perhaps mirrored his father's, this tense apprehension of being torn between voicing something, which may come off offensive, or staying awkwardly silent and coming off rude and ignorant. Tauriel luckily stood in between them, Thranduil didn't know who he felt more sorry for at this point, Kíli and his nervous looks at the two elves beside him, Tauriel for being the buffer, or Legolas for clearly believing he was overstepping and being an intruder for the pair. Of course Thranduil sided with his son, like he wouldn't.

Thranduil perhaps more than anyone else understood how fickle and painful love could be. He continued to muse and watch his son, while also lifting up a hand and placing it over the cup which Liruliniel was going to lift to her lips again. He didn't even really look her way, though hearing the discouraged sound come from her, his eyes slid sidelong at her, rather plainly at that. With a pout, she pushed the cup away and shifted painfully in the chair with a frown. He didn't think, though whatever healing properties the wine may have, ironically from their own kingdom, someone had the hindsight to save it during Smaug's siege, he didn't think it would actually do her any good. Drunks became so uncoordinated, clumsy even. She was already hurt, though yes, it took a lot for elves to get drunk, in her current state he doubted it would take much. He just wished to deter any worse case scenario from possibly happening, before it even could.

With a slightly pained look, if only from the look sent at the pair, Legolas left them be and soon found himself conversing with Gandalf. Thranduil inhaled heavily. Liruliniel looked up at him oddly and even Thorin leaned past Liruliniel to look quizzically at the elf. Dáin by this point was resting his head on the table, it seemed he had currently passed out. Feeling eyes on him, Thranduil turned and looked passively at the pair. They didn't understand his hesitance at having his son and the wizard talk, well, more in-depth then they already have. Thranduil was acceptant that Legolas was leaving, it seemed surprising that he was still here but then when he thought about it, he was no doubt waiting for his moment to talk to Liruliniel on his own. Thranduil knew his son was likely to want to say farewell to her, of course he would, Legolas wasn't going to just leave her without exchanging words.

Elrond was later to this celebration than anyone else, he was readying to leave and clearly wished to bid farewell to those that he knew here. Thranduil resisted rolling his eyes at how friendly the elf-Lord and wizard were, Legolas too got drawn into the conversation and really, Thranduil didn't quite know how to feel here. He wasn't envious his son got along with both fine, in all honesty, what better two to know? It was more the resignation that giving his son the nudge to explore the world around him, was more clear and evident now, more than it ever had been. Had he held him back for years? Doubtful. Had he clearly ignored Liruliniel saying Legolas was meant for bigger things? Sort of.

Hearing an awkward voice, Thranduil wasn't surprised to see the hobbit had come over. He seemed close to both Thorin and Liruliniel, through some friendly loyalty to both. Though having Thranduil suddenly staring him down, almost, Bilbo practically stuttered out something and looked awkward. Thranduil raised an eyebrow. He could quite easily defend the dwarves, bring the Arkenstone to those that had used it for bribery, had been beside Liruliniel and Thorin as the former slipped into another world, yet now he was all awkward? Thranduil didn't think he'd understand the hobbit.

Liruliniel picked at what food was before her, most of the food had been rationed, it was not a feast fit for the celebration and occasion that it should've been, but it made do. No one was complaining, no one saw fit to complain, and how could they? They survived, others didn't. Something Bilbo said had Liruliniel double taking, even with a piece of bread poking out from between her lips. She waved a hand from the long sleeve of her tunic and wagged a finger at the hobbit, bread still between her lips. Wasn't the most threatening sight, but it had Thorin laughing. His laughter had Dáin suddenly waking, he looked sceptical at Bilbo and he in turn awkwardly smiled. Thranduil just sighed and sipped from his drink again.

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