The Test

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It was late Friday afternoon when Devika returned early from her work. Working as a first grade teacher could get very hectic at times but she looked forward to the relaxing weekends.

When she reaches her house on the third floor, she peeps into her home through the window next to the door to find a male sitting on the sofa in the living room.

She realises it's one of her younger sister's 'friend'.

Friend, she mentally scoffs at the word knowing they were much closer than that but everytime she asked, her sister had denied it.

"I am home" Devika loudly announces herself and sees her sister freeze. A mischievous grin passes on Devika's face.

"Hi" Jay greets her as she sits on the sofa opposite him.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" Devika asks him being polite and aks her sister to get her a glass of water. Surprisingly she complies. Devika notices Jay's eyes following her sister very discreetly but she catches him.

"Nothing. Just came to hang out and play this new table tennis bat game with Ridhima" Jay nonchalantly shrugs.

Devika's rapport had been good with most of her younger sister's friend as there wasn't much of an age difference and Jay always had tried to get in her good books knowing she was Ridhima's elder sister.

"Oh seems interesting. Let us play" Devika says pretending to be surprised at the description of the game but already very well aware about it as she worked at a school and they played all sort of games with the kids.

"Sure" Jay replies enthusiastically. Devika internally grins at him taking her bait. She thought she needed to bring this guy down a notch and establish a bit of superiority.

5 rounds of game later, Devika has badly defeated Jay in most of the games.

"Yay! I win. I win" Devika excitedly cheers at end of last game.

"Whatever" Jay grumbles, all traces of happy go lucky guy gone. His body is stiff and eyes looked grim.

"Sour loser much?" Devika teasingly taunts him.

Devika's laughter is abruptly cut short at a banging sound and she sees that Jay had thrown the tennis bat against the wall. His body is extra stiff and it's only when he turns towards Devika that she sees rage simmering just on the surface. But just as quickly the rage came, at the same speed Jay darts out the house.

Only a few seconds later when the shock wears off, Devika wants to question Ridhima, her younger sister about his weird behaviour.

"What's taking her so long to get a glass of water?" Devika says to herself as she goes to the kitchen to look for her younger sister.

At the first glance she can't find her and just about she is about to turn and check in the bedroom, her gaze lands on the kitchen floor and she sees her sister huddled in the corner. Ridhima's feet are drawn to her chest, her chin resting on her knees and arms thightly wound around her folded knees as if wanted to make herself smaller, almost invisible. As Devika goes near her she realises her sister is shivering very badly. She quickly kneels down next to her,

"What happened Ridhima? Do you have fever?" Devika asks touching her forehead but Ridhima's skin is ice cold.

Ridhima starts to say something, repeatedly opening and closing her mouth but no words come out. Finally she points towards the living room where Devika had come from.

"Did the sound scare you?" Devika asks her sister, shaking her head at tye fact how easily her sister was scared.

"It's nothing, calm down..." Devika says trying to sooth her and rubbing her hands on Ridhima's arm.

"Although your friend Jay did behave very weirdly" she adds after a thought.

"T-h-a-t w-a-s-n't" Ridhima manage s to stutter out before starting to cry.

Devika is now confused at her sister's words, as she wasn't making any sense.

"Did you have a fight with him again?" Devika questions Ridhima's, which causes Ridhima to violently shake her head and cry more.

"H-h-e" the sentence is left in complete as Ridhima screams badly causing Devika to flinch back and turn away.

Turn away just to a tennis bat making way to her face and bashing her head.

Splash of red now colours the kitchen walls as Devika lies her eyes wide open and breathing heavy,

"I don't like losing, be it a game or my love" he says with a sinister smile.

Devika's eyes go to her sister knowing his implications. She wants to help her escape even if she knew she wouldn't survive but all her thoughts are cut short as another hit makes way to her face, effectively finishing the job.

"How does it feel to lose life huh?" Jetindra grins madly at the now lifeless body before taking Ridhima's wrist and pulling her away with him.

"Sorry couldn't wait as we had planned" Jetindra says nuzzling his head in her neck.

"No problem darling, she needed to learn to lose anyways" Ridhima mutters kicking Devika's body before making her way out with him.

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