second random thing

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Trigger warning I don't know if it will trigger anyone but still

One time I got my sister to play Hollow Knight and In this save I was in green path getting ready to fight Hornet and my sister said "Is this game supposed to be so morbid?"
"What does morbid mean?"

So she said that's why we're messed up but like... she's a drug addict so she's one to talk anyway she spent like five minutes trying to jump onto another platform that leads to Hornets fight, she died in like 6 minutes and I explained they were all siblings and stuff like that and she literally shouted "MY SISTER JUST BEAT ME UP" all my mom and niece and nephew did was stare.

I told you this stuff is gonna be Random.

But I tried to draw Hornet and I have some failed Ghost drawings I'll put them on here next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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