Chapter 9- The RFG of 2041 part 2

Start from the beginning

"Tornado freak? Mia, the Red hood isn't a meta." William told her

"Well you can never to be too sure. For all we know he is on his way here." Mia pointed out

"Mia the Red hood isn't coming here" William explained. Unfortunately for William as he said this the elevator doors opened and out of it came the Red Hood who said "Hello Mia, we have some unfinished business."

In reaction to this Mia quickly grabbed two batons and said "Get behind me William"

"Yep you don't have to say that again" Said William followed by him getting behind Mia. She ran towards Red hood and started swinging wildly at him. Red hood dodged a couple of her attacks and quickly took one of her batons and slammed her against one of the gun racks causing it to fall over. As Mia got up Red hood asked sarcastically "Is this some sort of entry via trial by combat?"

"Do you like to make jokes?" Mia asked back in dead serious tone. "Yeah, I like to think I'm funny" Red hood replied as he spun his baton around.

"I don't see anybody laughing." Mia told him followed by her rushing in to fight Red hood. They were both evenly matched although Red hood was clearly more violent with his attacks. Mia managed to disarm Red hood and pin him to the ground. She got on top of him and started pressing her baton against his throat.

"The little bird is gonna hate me for this." said Red hood as he pulled a gun out from one of his holsters and pressed it against Mia's stomach.

"If your gonna shoot me, then shoot me!" Mia screamed at him. William came out from hiding and shouted in very panicked voice  "She didn't mean that!"

Mia that looked at William furious and screamed " I know a bluff when I see one. William!"

"No you really don't. Listen to your brother I don't bluff plus Timtam can't blame me." Red hood comment

"Wait? Timtam as in Tim Drake?" William asked

"Yeah you two worked with Timon a bit ago but apparently you guys like to shoot the messenger" said Red hood. Mia then got off of Red hood. Afterwards Red hood stood up. Mia then asked "If you know Timmy, why didn't he come here himself?"

"Well your not exactly his top priority twinkie" said Red hood as he put his gun back in his holster

"Don't call me twinkie." said Mia in really serious way

"Whatever twinkie. Tim is busy fighting killer croc with Batgirl. Sorry I didn't knock it was bit of an oversight" said Red hood

"Wait Killer croc is real?" William asked

"Yeah a little too real, if you know what I'm saying." Red hood explained

Mia was really tired of Red hood as a whole so she asked "Why did you attack the Big belly burger?"

"What do you mean?" Red hood asked

"You said we have unfinished business and someone with a red helmet attack a Big belly burger." Mia explained

"Listen twinkie I helped Tim stop Jonathan. I called the authorities but something took the satellite before the cops could get there." Said Red hood

"How do know it's a something not a someone?" William asked

"Batgirl detected a huge power surge at Jonathan's lab. When she tracked the source, she found out a robot was turned on. It's source name being Red omega" Red hood explained

"So you don't have wind powers?" Mia asked

"Twinkie if I had wind powers, I would've used them by now." Red hood pointed out. Mia's blood was basically boiling so she grabbed Red hood by his jacket and slammed against a pillar and said "Listen here Red bucket. I don't like being called twinkie."

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