Meeting the Cullens

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I take a deep breath when I entered the house. It was so open and very welcoming. Six other people stood in the foyer waiting for us.

"Lily this is my family. My sister, Esme and the children that we adopted together. The big guy over there is Emmett and the blonde is Rosalie. The little pixie there is Alice and the guy behind her is Jasper. The final person is Edward."

"I've heard some things about you guys but mostly you, Edward." I laugh nervously as I either shook their hands or in Alice and Esme's case, hug them.

"It is such a pleasure to meet you, Lily!" Alice said as she pulled me in for a hug. I laughed and hugged

"Great to finally meet you as well." I replied. All of them were extremely happy to meet me especially Rosalie. Rosalie was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet as she introduced herself. After we were all introduced, all of their smiles slowly left their face and they led me to their living room where some snacks were put out.

"Lily, I didn't invite you here for just dinner. There are some things that I wish to explain to you. My family and I have all decided that you can be trusted with this information." Carlisle said as he sat down next to me. He held my hand as he looked into my eyes. I nodded my head to convey that I understood.

"Well, my family and I are vampires." They all sat frozen as they waited for my reaction. To their confusion, I giggled and shook my head.

"Did you really think that I didn't know that?" I asked them, still laughing. 

"What do you mean by that?" Carlisle asked. He tilted his head to the side with a small smile on his face.

"I'm a witch so I grew up around magic and learned about all sorts of things at the school. In my class DADA, Defense Against the Dark Arts, we learned about the different types of vampires and werewolves. You guys are obviously vampires to us wizard folk." I explained as I calmed down from laughing.

"A witch? I didn't know those exist." Emmett said.

"Mhm, I'm a muggle-born witch and before you ask, yes Bella is aware but she herself is not a witch." 

"Wow, can you show us?" Alice asked excitedly. I nodded my head and pulled out my wand from my sleeve. I made the chair that Edward was sitting in levitate.

"I can do lots more but I'm trying to avoid detection for the time being."

"Why are you trying to avoid being detected?"

"There's a dark wizard tracking down muggle-born witches such as myself. I can't say his name but right now there's a war brewing in England. I moved here to the states when I graduated but as soon as I am called for help, I will have to go. I can't let my best friends fight on their own and possibly die."

"Wow, that is something." Carlisle mumbled.

"Why didn't you approach us and tell us that you knew already? We were all stressed out." Edward asked.

"I didn't want you guys to feel like you had to move. I figured if you guys wanted me to know then you would tell me." Carlisle looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes but I was giving my attention to the others that were asking me questions.

"There is something else that Carlisle needs to discuss with you." Alice chimed in.

"I already know. I'm his mate and that's why he's been cold and hot the past couple weeks. I figured that out a week ago." I shrugged my shoulders. Carlisle groaned while the others laughed at him.

"You knew and didn't say anything while I've been struggling to find out how to manage it all." He complained. I grinned and nodded. We spent a couple hours talking and I snacked on the food items they had out. I learned about Jasper, Alice and Edwards abilities.

"I don't understand why I can't read yours or Bellas minds." Edward stated.

"You can't read mine because I learned how to block people out of my mind."

"That makes sense except for Bella."

"She's a very guarded person so it makes sense." I told them.

"She's Edward's mate but he hasn't decided if he wants to act on it yet." Carlisle explained his son's interest in Bella. I nodded my head. My phone started to ring. It was Bella.

B: Lily, there's some people here looking for you. They said to tell you the word Lightning.

L: Okay, Bella. I'll be right there. Tell them I'm on my way. Bye.

I hung up and looked at Carlisle.

"I need to go home right now. It's been wonderful getting to know you guys." We all said our good byes as Carlisle guided me to his car. He opened my door and then sped over to his.

"What does Lightning mean?" He asks me as he races down the street.

"It means Harry Potter. The boy who is supposed to win the war for us wizarding folk. I'm pretty sure the people waiting for me are Charlie and the twin Weasleys. It might be time for me to go back." I muttered, trying to stay calm. I didn't want to fight against the Dark Lord but I had to go protect my friends.

"I can tell the hospital that you had to leave for an emergency. Just be careful." He said as he pulled into my driveway.

"I will be. Thank you for tonight." I smile at him. I get out of the car and wave as I go inside.

"Lily. Thank God, you're alright. It's time." Charlie stated as he hugged me.

"Dad, I have to go to England. I should be back within a week." I turned towards my dad and Bella.

"Be careful, Lily. We need you here." Dad pulled me into a hug. Bella cried as she hugged me. I took a deep breathe and took Charlies hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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