Im your what ?!

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Standing outside was our nemesis " the slithers " we compete against each other to see who's the best gang and they somehow always win .

O: what do you guys want ?!
S: jeez jeez we're just here to see the big bosses daughter see what she's actually made of
O: not now senae
( that's the leaders name )
S: well why not , is she a wimp , that's really embarrassing
O: you know what fine just once otherwise she is busy

I walk back inside to see Tony and my friends kinda worried to be honest I am too . The slithers are reckless and mean , they will for sure trample y/n but we have too if not it shows weakness . I walked to y/ns room ,

O: hey y/n do you mind coming with me plz
Y: oh yeah no for sure

She walks out and I walk behind her , I lead her to the front door and stand beside her . When senae comes towards her

Y: woah who are you ?
S: wow she is a coward
Y: excuse me ?!
S: just like her dad fiesty , Richy come get your daughter

Y/n looked stunned and confused , that's when senea tried to grab her arm . But y/n backed up , I knew Senea doesn't like that so I stepped infront of y/n so she didn't get hit .

R: what is going on out her- oh it's you Senea what do you want
S: well we heard your little princess is back in town so we came to see if she's an actual coward like her mother ,

I felt y/n pinch me really hard , I kinda jumped but I think that was her telling me to hold her back because she was about to charge .

O: y/n don't even think about it
Y: what and let her talk about my mother like that nuh uh

I kept trying to tell her to not do it but she kept getting madder and madder at Senea talking with Richy .

R: look I don't want you hurting her
S: why you scared her mother is gonna come and sue you here mothers weak she can't do anything

I guess that's as the last twig for y/n , I was distracted by the arguement that I wasn't paying attention to y/n . When came up to senea and tackled her to the floor beating her up on the ground . I quickly ran over and picked y/n up my arms around hers so she couldn't move . Senea got up from the floor with a bloody nose and a black eye , she gave
Y/n a murderous look while y/n snarled at her and gave one back to her ,

R: alr you gotta go
S: fine but this isn't over y/n

They all left and I put y/n down , she gave me a look not like I'm gonna kill you but the way her eyes gleamed in the sunset scared the shit out me . I look away and she runs inside .

Y/n POV:

I just fought with a mafia boss , so many thoughts were going threw my head . I'm gonna die huh but then I remembered they kept talking about Richy and my mom but how do they know who she is . I thought I want answers and that's what I'm gonna get . I was in the bathroom looking in the mirror so I washed my face and stayed staring at myself for a little before going into the living room to see Richy sitting on the couch looking through paper work .

Y: Richy I want answers
R: look I can-
Y: why do they keep talking about my mom and you and saying that you have a daughter
R: because I do have a daughter .... you
Y: no no my dad died when I was little and I- your just - not my dad ok
R: look I'm not proud of what I did but when me and your mom met I instantly fell in love with her but she married Rob I was heart broken but one day I got drunk and Rob was out of town . I couldn't drive so I asked your mother to pick me up , your mom being the sweetheart she was helped me and took me in but I ended up sleeping with her and well she became pregnant .. with you
Y: so how do you know my dad
R: I'm his little brother
Y: so your the famous "uncle" Richy my dad would talk about , or should I say dad
R: look I know I'm a bad father and I should have stepped in for you when your dad died but I couldn't I was in a lot of trouble and bringing you and your family in was not the best idea at the time
Y: so Rob wasn't my dad
R: no well not by blood but by heart yes , you don't have to call me anything just maybe Richy because I know that rob is irreplaceable
Y: can I have a minute
R: yeah sure go ahead

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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