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I woke up in a moving van chained up to one of the walls and a hankercheif held around my mouth . I kicked the door to let them know I was awake and kept kicking so someone could se the dents on the outside or something .

???: AH stop kicking !
Y: what the fuck do you want from me you assholes
???: wow I'm offended
Y: good you should be while I sit here trying to get out !
???: Tony stop the car

The guy stopped the car by the road and the one in the passenger came to the back with me . He sat in front of me , he took off my mouth rag

???: hi I'm Ondre
Y:idc what you're name is , why do you want me !
O: well our boss wants you
Y: what do you mean by that ?!
O: well our boss sends us to get girls and we pai-
Y: wait so your telling me I am being kidnapped my a mafia leader ?!!
O: pretty much yeah
Y: wtf what did I do ?!!
He chuckled
O: our boss saw potential in you than all the other girls so he sent us to get you
Y: what happened to the other girls
O: well sometimes the boss kills them
I looked at him scared
O: or sometimes he uses them as sex slaves or mostly slaves , other ones he drugs them and moves them around to his friends
Y: so why does he want me ?
O: he didn't tell us why he wants you but he only tells me and Tony to get someone if they are important to him
T: bro were here
O: shit !

He grabbed a wet cloth and put something on it he seemed rushed

Y: ummm what is that
O: shhh shut up
Y/ wha-

I didn't have time to finish my sentence before he put it over my mouth and I blacked out again .

Ondres POV :

I put a rag over her mouth and made sure she was passed out . I uncuffed her and put the mouth rag over her mouth again , I put her over my shoulder as I walked into the mansion my friends saw me and congratulated me . You see everytime we catch a hard girl to get we always get applauded. I sat her in a chair in the middle of the mafias "throne" as he calls it , Tony tied her up while I took of her mouth price . It wasn't long before she woke up again

( just for clearification this 🔁 means I switched y/n and Ondres POV )

I woke up in a room tied up to a chair with people surrounding me mostly boys . I look up , I see a chair that looked like a throne , I sat there still catching my site when I heard a deep but gentle voice .

???: so I see Ondre and Tony did good thank you guys

I look and see Ondre and Tony standing next to him .

???: you might be wondering what your doing here and who I am

I stayed quiet

???: My name is Richy , and well I won't tell you just yet what your doing here y/n

I was confused how did he know my name

Y: how did you know my name

R: well I did ask these young men to come look for you , wow you look just like your mother

Now I was scared how did he know my mother

Y: who are you for real and how do you know so much about me ?

R: shhh not so many questions child

Y: fine one last question why am I here ?

R: I will explain that later but plz let me have my accountancy's take you too your room .

Two people picked me up after I had bin untied ,

Y: HEY put me down , don't touch me !!

They kept taking me upstairs while I kept kicking trying to get out of their grip .

Ondre POV:

I was just as confused as y/n was how did boss know how her mother looked like so I asked him

O: boss who is y/n to you ?

R: look , she is my daughter

I looked at him shocked and surprised

R: me and her mother had an affair and when Rob ( his brother) found out the kid was mine i fle leaving my daughter and my brothers wife alone with Rob . After a year I found out that
Y/ns mom was pregnant with uhh y/ns little sister and that my brother died a few weeks later . When I heard that y/n turned 13 I kept track on her making sure she was safe since a lot of Mafias knew she was my daughter  .

O: wow that's crazy boss

R: I know but I just want to keep her safe she was raised my brothers daughter when she was actually mine , I just felt bad for since after my brother died I should been the one to step in and help but I didn't .

O: how old was y/n ?

R: she was really ..... young

O: thanks for sharing that with me boss

R: np but don't say anything to the others especially y/n I'm trying to find the right way to tell her
I nodded I was about to when I said
O: you know the first time I saw she kind of looked like you
Boss smiled , I went to y/ns room and I didn't see her I panicked and thought she ran away but I checked the window she was on the roof looking at the sunset .

O: Jesus Christ y/n you scared me I thought you ran off
She laughed it was really cute
Y: calm down if I was to run I would have ran off with something
I looked at her 
Y: I'm just kidding , so what do you do here I mean when your not looking for more girls
O: well we help the boss track them
Y: why do you call him boss
O: it's disrespectful to call him Richy since we work for him
Y: well what am I supposed to call him
O: dad
I whispered so she wouldn't here me
Y: what
O/: nothing maybe call him Richy
Y: ok , well I'm going inside it's cold
O: oh and uhh we have to explain some rules to you
Y: yeah hopefully it's what I'm doing here
O: you'll learn soon enough

We both got up and walked back in through her window , I saw a necklace on the floor and picked it up

O: hey is this yours
Y: OMG thank you , I thought I lost it
O: no prob , why is it so important to you tho
Y: ummm my dad gave it to me before he died it has a picture of our family Inside but it won't open anymore
O: oh sorry for asking
Y: don't worry about it
O: I gotta go see you later
Y: yeah for sure

I left towards the door and went downstairs to Tony .

O: what's up
T: bro theres .... there's a mafia gang outside I think their looking for y/n
O: what
T: their outside

I ran outside to see the smoke gang , out enemy rivals standing surrounding the gate and the front porch .

O: what are y'all doing here ?!
???: miss me ?

I gave a scold ...

*gasp* cliffhanger 😂😱 don't worry I am working on the next one

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