My Innocence

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I was fifteen when I stepped in the wrong direction and got lost like Alice when, the ignorant, decided to follow a rabbit into some dark hole. Being the new kid, I was awkward and felt uncomfortable compared to all the rapacious ones drowning in money with their perfect hair and new michael kors sweaters while I thought wearing aeropostale was still the thing to do. Then he took me into his temple of burning sins and engulfed me with hell. They all turned their heads and did not warn me against touching something when it was too hot. I still have the burns. Four years worth. I can count the invisible lines like constellations of all the places he felt were his when I said the opposite. His anger was bright orange and soon I learned to make the colors grow dim as I waited for the fire to die down. Soon my insides did not even burn when you decided my temple was yours multiple times a day. Four years later I was glowing flesh with growing constellations but all I got were shaken heads and was told innocence cannot die by one's boyfriend. Except, I myself became a stranger since you took my church, leaving me with only burnt crosses and the feeling of absolute nothing when touched. 

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