[move foreward]

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"Oi guys she's awake" the man with a buzz cut stood in the doorway to the room looking straight at me with a menacing glare. He had odd clothes too, could he be related to that tall man with the weird bell hat? "Eep" I jumped as the mentioned tall handsome and fairly muscular- scratch that very muscular man came into view. He had those hollow black and red eyes that looked as though they wanted to tell a million stories but stayed silent. The jawline of a revered god, but the posture and glare of a demon.  He said no words just pointed at the two things on my head.

I began to sweat, my breathing becoming staggered and my adrenaline climbing up again. "U-uhm" he still didn't say a word but walked towards me bending at the hip to meet eye to eye with me and glare daggers into my soul. "Are they part of your stand?" He finally spoke his gruff deep tone both calming and intimidating all at once. Somehow smooth as silk yet corse like bark, or sandpaper. "I Uhh st- stand?" I don't know what he meant about a stand, what kind, a camera stand? Easel? "You don't know?" He asked again this time tracing his calloused fingers across the things that got me into trouble with them .in the first place.

You see I wasn't just normal like everyone else. It sounds a little cliche at this point but those things he was running his fingers across made me very.... very special. "These horns" he mumbled grazing the tip of one. They protruded from the sides of my head and curled down and around my face like spikes jutting from my jawline. They were pure white with (f/c) runes dug into the sides and several chips and scrapes from my time with them.

"So these aren't your stand" I simply shivered under his touch my (s/c) skin cold and shaking from fear. I simply bit my lip and covered under his gaze again. "Your name. Now" he spoke powerfully and with a sense of absoluteness. He had a position of power. How did I know? I just had the feeling. "Y- it's y/n s-sir" I stuttered still locking eyes with the man. "I'm risotto" he dragged a chair over and snapped his fingers making the other shorter male leave the room and shut the large heavy door behind him.

"I need to ask you some questions" he said I nodded slightly breathing deeply as he straddled the chair backwards and leant over the back. "What are you?" I froze. "Tell me quickly" I gulped a lump in my throat never losing eye contact with risotto for a second. "I'm... test subject 1-0-3" I shivered at thr thought of that 'name' I hated it to the point where I made my own. It was the same name as my favourite person. She was in the room next to me. We talked through a vent at night. She was a snake hybrid. Apparently

"Y/n, you said you were y/n" I nodded "1-0-3 was the code they gave me" he raised an eyebrow. "Code? Who are they?" He leaned a little closer his expression staying indifferent. I swallowed again taking a deep breath. "I've known them my entire life they are all anonymous, they don't wear masks they don't tell us their names or what they do..... they say they took us in. But y/n... Uhh 5_12 told me she was taken from her family.... dragged away.... she said others were sold through trafficking but I don't know about me...." I looked to the floor still nervous

"So you know what they look like, but not who they are?" I nodded "they were always in long white coats and they would bring me rabbit, beef and lamb all the time.... never any vegetables....... I want to know what a vegetable tastes like..." I got lost in my own thoughts for a moment as risotto seemed to falter slightly. "So you're a hybrid? A hybrid of what?" I shrugged. I don't know..... I can't really read or write but there's a tag on my blind spot that's attached to me... it tells them who and what I am... but I can't tell." At this point there was no reason not to tell risotto everything. If I didn't I figured I might die, or worse get given back to them.

"Can I take a look?" I nodded. Slowly he got up pulling the back of my shirt up and holding the tiny tag that dangled off of my back. "It says dragon, human and bat.... do you have wings?" He let my shirt go and undid my hand restraints still keeping my feet and torso locked in tight. I pulled on my shirt and fiddled with the hemm. "A dragon?" I asked confused. "Do you not know what a dragon is?" He asked. I shook my head still terrified of what was to come.

"We can talk about this later get up" he turned around and walked to the door as I made a 'really?' Face at his back. "Well are you coming or no- oh right" he then swivelled around and set me free. I immidietly bolted at the door only to feel my legs give out beneath me. "H-huh?" I yelled as I sat up my legs wouldn't move.

"I wouldn't recommend trying to run. It's not the wisest of decisions around me" risotto gave me a soft glare as he helped me to my feet and led me out of the room. We both exited to the hallway to find a panting man with Curley blue hair and red glasses staring right at risotto.

"Capo...... we have a problem"


How evil .Anyway Nio seems to be back momentarily. Sorry for how slow updates are Theyve been quite held up by school and other things. But hey how do you like y/n right now. You might not know a lot about her but I'm sure you'll warm up to her. And yet I'm sure you're enjoying, this is a story all about you after all. Delve deeper into the simulation and feel the reality grow.


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