[open your eyes]

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I heard a low whirring sound before I felt my legs strained and my arms moving side to side, my chest tight and my eyes blurred, I was moving around a city, fast, so fast, all my memories seemed to come back to me, all of it, and I knew why I was running.


I didn't bother spinning my head around I knew who it was I just pulled up my hood and kept running, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, faster than before feeling my chest tighten further my stamina slowly draining and an alley coming into view. I shoved past a few people still covering my entire body in my stolen lab coat and sliding into the alley I ran and ran some more turning corners, jumping fences and sliding under gates, anything to get as far away as possible-


a gunshot? Why was there a gunshot? With my adrenaline up I ran towards the noise thinking nothing more of it and rushing straight in. I felt my body slowly giving up and my legs getting weaker, but I kept going, pressing my eyes shut and just running, that was until I ran into something large and muscular. I fell backwards with a soft "ow"

I rubbed my forehead keeping the top of my head still covered and looking up at the tall pale man infront of me. His eyes were dark and red, his complexion perfect and white, he wore a cloak without a front and a harness. He was handsome but I couldn't tell I scrambled up letting out a tiny 'eep' as I saw his soft glare at me .

He didn't say a word only pointing a small pistol at my head "your name now" even though it was only three words his gruff tone was enough to pierce holes in my psyche and intimidate me into obliteration but I was snapped out of those thoughts by another "IT WENT THIS WAY" at that my face went paler that's it already was and I ran the other direction through more alleys hoping to get away from the pair of feet I heard following my every move,

I ran

And ran

And ran

And ra....n

Until I couldn't,
My legs stopped
My eyes rolled back
And my back thudded against the floor
The last thing I saw were those dark eyes of his
Then I felt myself drift out of consciousness

........ ŵækę üp ŷ/ñ.......

My eyes shot open the leftover Adrenalin from the time before clouding my eyes and dulling my senses to where as I tried to break free I failed to realise I was strapped down. Still as I tried to move it took me a good five minutes to realise I couldn't. I painted in panic as I looked down struggling at my restraints. I then realised that my one saving grace was gone.

My cloak.

It wasn't covering my head

It was gone

I was in a dark room

Bound to a chair


Without my cloak

Revealed to the world

It was THEM

Soon enough the door was burst open

"Well shit she's awake"

That was different, he was different, a buzz cut? None of the others had a buzz cut? Who was he?


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