
276 14 3

Trigger warning- mention of drug usage and slight gore


I scrambled away only to be perused by the bright-eyed hybrid. "come on baby~ CMERE" they lunged at me and as I rolled away I yelled at bubblegum hair. "OH NO OH NO YOU WHO ARE YOU HELP ME PLEEEASE" I crawled over my horns glowing a little making me panic. "fuck off.  capo?" a voice came out of nowhere. " help her while I deal with that thing"

the thing? what thing? "CMERE CHILE" the centaur was charging at me full force with his arms out ready to grab me. "AAAAAA" I screamed in terror as I covered my face.

BANG as I opened my eyes I saw the centaur flying into the wall. "what the fuck???" I yelled as something invisible grabbed me shoving me onto its shoulder. "AAA" the thing holding me turned out to be risotto. "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME" I screamed as he held my legs. "ghiaccio get the others to deal with these two, she needs to be protected."

"fucking nuisance" ghiaccio yelled cracking his knuckles and skating on invisible skates across the floor- IS THAT ICE???? risotto carried on running and as we left the building he ran down ally after alley. "where are we going??" I asked getting dizzy from all the bobbing up and down. "no reply? ok then I can run myself you know" he didn't say a word as I scrambled to try and get off. "again I can run on my o-wn" I pushed myself to the floor and bumped my head on the floor. "ow" i rubbed my head a little. and as i opened my eyes i was met with a pair of black and red eyes. they were emotionless but told a sad sad story.

i reached my hand out ot the crouching mans face and he grabbed my wrist as my fingertip touched his skin. it was so cold. "AH"i winced as he squeezed my wrist. "ok ok stop"i tried tio pull my hand away but slowly a mexican wave of scales flipped over to reveal none other than loki.  he flicked his tonge at me. "hey there sweet" with horror in my eyes i attempted yet again to pull away. "HELP! HELLLP!" i yelled to deaf ears and was slowly dragged by my hands towards a black cage with a huge silver padlock. "nonononononononono" i screamed over and over as my wrist went numb from being gripped so tightly. "help me!" i yelled again, andf again and again. "no no please" loke hoisted me up to eye level with risottos eyes still on. "listen here you little SHIT." one of his eyes jerked up then down spinning into his old one. his brows furrowed into a deep frown and his grip tighter than ever he spat at me. "shut the FUCK up"

i stared in silent terror at him as his other eye spun back to normal. "now lets go-" i screamed as a large pale fist slammed into lokis jaw sending him flying away and scuttering similar to a lkizard. "dont use my body" risotto stood next to me and picked me up below his arm and walked back towards the building witn me.

soon enough we came back to a random alley way where risotto set me down gently on the ground against the wall. "Stay here" he swivelled around and got out a burner phone. I wiped my eyes laying backwards. They were after me and I there were others what's going on. I sighed hugging my knees. "What was that" I whipped up to find those eyes again. Not as close as before but they were the same eyes. I'd seen before but more dead. "I- I don't know" he frowned "are you sure?" I nodded squinting my eyes in fear. "Hey" his tone was more soft. "We're going to go back. The centaurs been taken care of, and that lizards not getting up. I have more questions but first we need to get you something to eat" I opened my eyes to see him again devoid of emotion.

"A-alright" he helped me up and handed me a large piece of red fabric. "I grabbed this on the way out, cover those with it" he pointed at my horns and began walking. "O-oh ... thank you" I looked at the thick warm blanket and slung it over my head, quickly following after him. As we walked we saw dealers in coats crackheads and junkies smoking outside party houses, at one point even someone with a blood drenched arm with needles scattered across the floor on deaths door. "This is terrible.... is everywhere like this?" Out of instinct I started walking closer to risotto and gripping the blanket tighter.

"Not everywhere but this alley is most known for the drug use" he carried on not fazed by any of it. "Oh- alright" I sighed and carried on. It smelt like urine and damp walls, the alley was covered in moss and the odd person, the air felt tacky and unclean even the air felt bad to breathe in. Occasionally I would get a whiff of marijuana or tobacco and clear my throat. "How are you not fazed by this" I asked covering my mouth and nose. "I've become tolerant over the years" he replied simply as we walked. "Ok"

As we walked the conversation continued. Me asking questions him answering with two or three words. "You're really dry to talk to you know that right?" I huffed as we left the third alley. "I know" he replied again. "Why aren't you trying to have a conversation with me?" I asked curious as to why he was so silent. "I don't want to" he said again. "Oh" I looked to the ground and fiddled with the ends of my blanket. "We're here" I looked back at the building I'd run from and saw two people hauling out the concussed body of ark, one had a shaved head and the other brown hair in pigtails. "Alright capo?" The first said. "I'm fine formagio" we walked in and saw the damaged walls and blood splatters in some places.

Ghiaccio sat slumped against a sofa arm as a lilac haired man wrapped up his arm. "Capo... what the fuck" ghiaccio spoke curtly while sounding exhausted. "It's fine. I can tell they won't be back for a while." I retreated slightly covering my face up and getting closer to risotto even more. "Who is she?" Pigtails asked brushing off his forearm "y/n that's her name and for now I don't know what she is" I looked to the floor. "Hey chin up" I looked back up to see that buzz cut guy again. "What's up kiddo" he asked with a reassuring smile. "I'm twenty five" I mumbled back. He blinked a few times. "O-oh ok" risotto placed a hand on the small of my back. "Hurry up" he said ushering me towards a kitchen. "When was the last time you ate?" He asked sitting on a chair in the connected dining room. "Uhh a day ago maybe, depends on how long I was knocked out" I paused and rubbed my forearm. "Then I'll make you something sit down"

I obliged and sat at the table fiddling with the hemm of my makeshift hood. It was warm and soft, I was so thankful for it. "Thanks..." I mumbled fully retreating into the fabric. "What?" He replied a sizzling sound coming from his direction. "Thank you for this" I mumbled again this time a little louder than before. "Don't thank me" he spoke again not paying any mind to me, another sizzle came to a loud point then fizzled down. And soon enough a little plate of red strips was placed infront of me. "What's that?" I asked with a confused tone.

"Bacon, you've never had bacon?" He asked while cocking a brow. "N-no" I tilted my head at the slightly curled crispy strips. "Just try it" he said again pushing the plate closer. It did smell amazing. "Oh ok then" I hesitantly grabbed it it was greasy and almost sticky. I placed a corner in my mouth and oh my god.

"This is so good" I spoke half the strip still in my mouth. The taller guy sat opposite me watched me scoff the bacon down and finish with bacon pieces all over my mouth and a huge smile. "Thank you" I said almost bouncing in my seat. He hummed with the same indifferent expression. He picked up a tissue from a box on the counter and passed it to me. "You have crumbs on your face" I immediately turned red. Snatching the tissue I wiped my face clean and hid my face in my knees. "You look tired" he spoke again. I nodded a little playing with the fork on the table. "I'll get you some new clothes and a bed set up." He left and a few moments later threw a huge grey hoodie and some shorts at me. "You and Illuso will go shopping tomorrow for new clothes, for now put these on."

I nodded picking the clothes up off of the table and following him to a cozy looking room with a huge bed and grey walls with black bedsheets with gold accents. "This is a really nice room, is it yours?" He nodded and pointed to a door in the corner. "That's the bathroom get dressed in there and sleep on the bed I'll come and get you in the morning." I nodded going into the bathroom and changing, the hoodie was worn but still soft and smelled of something nice. It wasn't strong but it was there. The shorts fell just below my knees and I had to adjust the drawstrings to fit my body.

I walked back out to see no risotto and the light turned off. Out of habit I checked for cameras or microphones before laying down in the king size and gently falling asleep. "I wonder where he's sleeping" I mumbled before falling asleep completely.

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