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Jotaro didn't know anything about coincidences, but for some great reason, Kakyoin had been standing by the school gate the moment he walked by. It was as if the universe wanted them to be together. Jotaro felt as if he was oddly infatuated to Kakyoin, but given who he was, he tried his best not to show it. After all, Jotaro had earned himself the reputation of being the heartless delinquent who repulsed everyone and everything. He didn't mind that he had such a bad reputation. In fact, he was used to it.

"Hi!" Kakyoin said, giving Jotaro a small wave in greeting. He sounded much more lively then he did hours ago. Jotaro watched as Kakyoin fidgeted with the ends of his scarf, which was long enough that he could wrap it several times around both of his arms. He had a red sketchbook underneath his right arm, and was leaning against the side of the gate.

Jotaro didn't say anything, but walked over to where Kakyoin was, with both hands inserted into his pocket and his scarf wrapped around his neck as the afternoon had been surprisingly chilly. As usual, he had a cigarette slipped in between his lips. "What's up?" he said, his voice coming out a bit muffled due to the pressure he was applying to keep his cigarette in place.

"Nothing." Kakyoin said. "Today's been pretty boring."

"I second that." Jotaro said, his voice monotone. He glanced at his surroundings, noticing that the usual group of girls who followed him every morning were already making their way out of campus. "Want to go anywhere? I don't really want to stay here."

"Why not?" Kakyoin asked him, his curiosity clear given the tone of his voice.

Jotaro didn't quite know how to politely explain to Kakyoin that he didn't like being around people. Particularly girls. And if he were to tell Kakyoin that, Kakyoin would probably find it suspicious that Jotaro was hanging out with him. "No reason. I just don't like being around a lot of people is all."

"Alright. Where do you want to go?" Kakyoin asked him.

"I don't know that either. I'm not the most decisive person on the planet." Jotaro retorted, leaning against the gate in front of Kakyoin. He withdrew his right hand from his pocket and plucked his cigarette from his lips, allowing some smoke to exit his mouth and disappear into the cold atmosphere.

"I'd like to go somewhere quiet." Kakyoin said. "Like a library... but I don't think there's one that's within walking distance here..."

Jotaro remembered that Holly wasn't at home right now, as he had heard last night that she was going to run some errands. Jotaro decided to use this chance as an opportunity to invite Kakyoin over to his place. He felt his heart rate increase rapidly. He felt weirdly giddy.

"You can come over to my place and screw around if you want." Jotaro suggested. "My mom isn't home right now, so we'll have the entire place to ourselves."

Kakyoin brightened up. "Really? I'd very much like that!"

Jotaro pushed himself off the wall and began making his way down the sidewalk. Kakyoin hurriedly followed after him, straightening himself out in the process. He felt rather exuberant, given the fact that he had never visited anyone else's house before, excluding his relatives'. He could feel all his excitement just bubbling up inside him.

Kakyoin was surprised to find that Jotaro's house was only a three minute walk from his, but he was even more surprised to see how enormous his house was. There was no way only two people lived in a house that enormous.

Jotaro unlocked the gate and made his way through the garden, with Kakyoin following after him. The garden was fairly grassy and had quite a large amount of rocks. There was a small river, with a fine-looking arched wooden bridge over it, and quite a few trees decorated the area. The house itself had only one floor, but covered a large area of land. Kakyoin thought it looked like one of those traditional Japanese houses he often saw on television.

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