"Akoni, Katrina, and I will go," Killian answers immediately. "There's thousands of ancient texts. Having a Seer there will speed up the process, hopefully."

"What about us?" Maryn scoffs, and Knox nods.

"I'll take you back to Crimson Shadow," Killian says dismissively. "Katrina and I will come back tomorrow with the readings."

Akoni glares at him, and Killian quickly adds, "I'm just borrowing them, frater. I'll bring them back. Ultimum Viatorem's honor."

The Princeps Viatorem looks like he's about to say no, but glances at me momentarily, and pauses. "Fine. But you and the Oracle bring them back to me soon."

Killian waves his hand, creating a portal, and snaps impatiently at the circulus. "On you go," He motions towards the portal and the grumbling wolves begin to step through, clearly annoyed that they don't get to see the Archives.

Akoni grabs a quiver with arrows, slinging it over his broad shoulder, and holds a large wooden bow in his hands.

"I like your bow and arrows," I tell Akoni. I'm not much of a weapons connoisseur, but even I could tell that they were well-made. And extremely dangerous looking.

Akoni dips his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Oracle. That is very kind of you to say."

"You made them yourself," My Sight tells me that, and I'm even more impressed. "That's so cool."

Akoni nods, smiling proudly. "I could show you how to make them sometime. Every warrior needs a weapon made by their own hand."

"I'm no warrior," I laugh.

Akoni's eyes darken slightly. "I don't believe that."

Killian coughs, and I jump, forgetting he was there for a moment, lost in Akoni's dark, dark eyes. "The Archives?" He says impatiently, gesturing to the portal.

I grab Akoni's muscular arm, and Killian narrows his eyes at me. "He needs a tether," I say, smirking slightly. "I need a tether. You don't, right? Ultimate Traveler and all?"

Killian grinds his teeth together. "Get in the portal before I throw you in, darling."

I hold in a laugh. Wow, he must be really worried that Akoni will try getting me to be his Seer.

"Come on, Ko," I say, pulling on Akoni's arm, and he laughs.

"You know I'm the Princeps Viatorem, right?" He chuckles.

I shrug. "So?"

Akoni just shakes his head slightly in disbelief, low chuckles still escaping his mouth. "You Oracles are always so bold, aren't you?"

"Portal," Killian snarls.

Laughing, I pull Akoni between the dimensions, and we land in even more sand. You've got to be kidding.

"What is it with you Viatoribus and sand?" I complain, frowning at the vast desert that lays before us. Not the same one we were just in, but once with harder, more compact sand and a less intense sun.

"Where is it, Akoni?" Killian asks, frowning at the ground as he kicks random patches of sand. "I haven't been to the Archives in ages."

Akoni takes an arrow out of his quiver and stabs himself in the hand. Luckily, the sight of blood doesn't make me queasy, otherwise, it would be a very unpleasant thing to witness.

The Princeps Viatorem takes a few steps towards the sun and uses his non-bloody hand to wipe away a pile of sand. Looking around him, I see some kind of geometric sun symbol etched into a rock. The symbol of the Viatoribus.

Akoni squeezes his hand over the symbol until blood fills the carved indentations, and the rock begins to glow. Killian swears under his breath and puts his hand over my eyes and pulls me back into his chest.

"Sorry, my dear," He apologizes. "Only Viatoribus can look at the entrance without being blinded. Safety precaution."

I scowl as Killian picks me up with one hand, still using his other one to cover my eyes. "You can let go," I hiss. 'I'm not going to look."

Killian chuckles. "Like I'd believe that for a second."

True, I probably would try looking just to see if he was right, but it's still rude that he would assume that I wouldn't listen.

I can hear some kind of whirling sound, and Killian takes a few steps before I can feel us descending down a staircase, and I badly want to see my surroundings. There's something terrifying about lacking Sight.

"Killian, you can put her down now, the light has been gone for a while," Akoni says passively.

I punch Killian once he puts me down. "You're so annoying!" I yell at him.

His eyes flicker in amusement. "Keep your voice down, darling. This is a library."

"I am going to kill you slowly," I whisper, and I'm about to continue my threats when I look around me.

Library was an understatement.

We must have taken the staircase to get underground, but we weren't even on the bottom level. I peer over a railing and look down, and there's a hollowed-out center of all of the floors, only a single staircase puncturing through. On the dozens of floors bellow us, there are indeed thousands of books and scrolls. 

"Holy shit," I whisper in amazement.

"So, O'Mighty Oracle, where do we begin?" Killian asks mockingly, and I kick at his shin, but he disappears, reappearing next to a stack of books taller than he is.

I take a deep breath and take off my gloves. My strength was already depleted from my vision yesterday, and I didn't doubt that my Sight would push back hard today if I poked at it.

I walk around the library, running my hand along books, tapping slightly into my Sight. Plunging into a vision would surely kill me right now, but hopefully if I just use a little bit of Sight for some intuition, I won't be too mortally wounded.

Like I've said, it's hard to tell with my Sight sometimes.

As I continue to run my hand along the many books and texts, sometimes a book will feel hotter or colder than the rest, so I take those ones out and hand them to Killian and Akoni, who follow me.

I'm on the last floor, the very bottom of the Archive, when I feel a book burn as hot as fire. I hiss in pain, yanking my hand away. I inspect my hand, but sure enough, there's no physical injury. As always with my Sight, most of the pain is mental.

Well, at least caused by my mind.

The pain is very much real.

I reach out for the book again, and this time, when I touch it, there's no heat. But I instantly crumble as a vision assaults my mind.

In the vision, I'm staring in a mirror. My eyes are black, blood pouring out of those. I open my mouth to scream, but a fountain of blood comes out instead of words.

I look down at my hands, and the red leather book, the book that burned me and gave me the vision, and it's covered in my blood.

I look back in the mirror.

Everything is soaked in blood.

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