" And yes they're good but you have to get other stuff too in that princess of ours" Duaa  took the half filled bowl of makhaane from her, gently rocking her daughter while feeding her.

" Mama I'm done with the home'urk. I wanna do more" Musa answers his mother without looking up from his colouring sheets.

" Why?" Faiqa was perplexed.

Weren't children and homework mortal enemies? She knew she was. Faiqa remembers her relationship with school and boy was she glad that it's all over now!

" Simply" Musa shrugged his tiny shoulders.

" I swear he's going to be one of those human computers when he grows
up" Faiqa leaned onto Duaa and whispered in her ears, taking hold of Eshal's small hand caressing it.

" Inshallah. Joh bhi baney bass khush rahe" Duaa prayed for her son.

"Stop!" Duaa swatted Faiqa's hand which was stealthily trying to grab a handful of her favorite snack.

Faiqa pouted at getting caught but she knew her sister is right. Her stomach has to have space for proper food. She suddenly started salivating at the various possibility of lunch options.

" Kya banaya hai?" Faiqa asked with a childlike curiosity.

Long gone were the days when she used to run at the name of food. These days there isn't a bigger romance in the Hamdaani Haweli than Faiqa and her gluttony!

" Tumhare liye ya sab ke liye?" Duaa asked her while angling Eshal's small body on her shoulder for burping her.

" Tell me everything!" Faiqa's excitement knew no bounds hearing that there are multiple alternatives to choose from.

Duaa held her daughter upright lest she throw-up everything that she has just eaten and answered her with amusement.

" Office me parathe, palak-gosht aur moong dal ka soup bheja hai..." Duaa began only to be interrupted by Faiqa's interjection.

" Zaan..."

" And before you ask yes, Azaan Bhai ke liye grilled chicken, ajwain ke parathe aur saath me dahi diya hai " Duaa appeased her unasked query, knowing full well her concern for her husband's condition.

Azaan was showing symptoms of what was scientifically known as couvade or sympathetic pregnancy and was experiencing the same cravings like his wife and even the same aversions.

He had started feeling nauseatic in the middle of the day and only the combination of ajwain and curd settles his upset stomach. They didn't figure it out initially but when he began mimicking all of Faiqa's behavior, her gynecologist was consulted who zeroed in on the diagnosis.

Faiqa was feeling a bit jealous of her own husband because the entire family was concerned for their pregnancy and not just hers! But she felt it was sweet in a way as no father ever gets to know what it is like to bring a baby in the world. And here was her husband, just short of having her Braxton Hicks Contractions!

She burst out into small giggles when she remembered how his face turned green in the morning, at the mere mention of lamb. Faiqa and he have developed an aversion to everything non-vegetarian barring chicken and sometimes fish.

" Badmaash! Shohar par hasti ho" Duaa playfully twisted her ear but that only made her laugh harder.

" Aur nahi toh kya! Zaan is so funny" Faiqa said fondly.

" Zaan ko chodein, aap aur bataein..." Faiqa came back to her main love. Food!

" Gaajar aur matar ki sabzi hai tumhare liye aur paratha jo tumne khaana hai wo bata dena. Samina massi garam bana degi" Duaa was now laying down a drowsy Eshal in her crib.

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