Seventh Veil Affairs (Brian M./Katya × Reader - Part 2)

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A/N: This trashy Lil' book finally made it to 1k votes. Thank you to everyone that reads the pure insanity that I type out. This book and FRWL are my babies, and I'm beyond appreciative that y'all like them. Thank you for reading, and thank you to Katya for being a continued inspiration for my horrible, sinful thoughts. 🖤


Your heart was racing when you finally made it offstage with all of your tips crumpled up in your hands as you made your way back into the dressing room.

You felt like you were high after getting that close to Brian, grinding on his leg like you were. You threw the money down at the station that you were sharing with Sarah. You sat yourself down into one of the folding chairs in front of the mirror, letting out a hefty sigh, giving yourself a moment to catch your breath and regroup.

Your instant attraction to him had thrown you for a loop, especially with it being a man at that. But, of course, the one man you were attracted to would just so happen to be a gay man; life was completely cruel in that way. You knew you needed to just go ahead and let it go. I mean, at least you got to give him a partial lap dance? That'd have to count for something, and it would have to suffice in satisfying the fantasies you already felt brewing inside of you.


After fixing your hair and makeup in the mirror, giving yourself the time you needed to just collect your thoughts, you headed back out onto the club floor. You were still scantily clad in the lingerie set, and quite a few people were staring at you, looking as if they were close to enquiring about a lap dance, but you would worry about that after you said your goodbyes to Paul.

He and his entourage, including Brian, had moved over to the bar area after your set.

"That was incredible," Paul commented as he closed the distance between the two of you, both of you embracing in a tight hug. "Killing it as always."

"Thank you, sweetpea," you giggled at him, pecking the side of his cheek. "Thank you for coming. It's been so good to see you," you said sincerely, squeezing his shoulders.

"And you, too, baby," he said, pulling back to look at you. "I'm off tour for a while. I'd love for you to come over sometime. We can dish, do makeup, maybe get in a little toke."

"God, that sounds fantastic," you hummed in satisfaction. "I could use a good smoke out and gossip "

"Good. I'll text you." He gave you a smile before reaching down into his pocket, pulling out a hundred dollar bill. He quickly put it into your hand before you could protest.

"Paul," you finally said, looking at him pointedly.

"Don't try to give it back, bitch. Queens look out for each other." He gave you a small glare.

He wasn't wrong with what he was saying. Both of you had the habit of giving each other generous tips whenever either of you went to see the other perform.

You sighed, smiling up at him. "Thank you."

"You're more than welcome," he said, leaning in to hug you again.

At that point, Brian had walked up behind Paul, waiting for you two to finish talking. Paul noticed and gave you a little smile as he leaned into your ear.

"I think someone wants to say goodbye," he whispered, his tone almost sounded as if it was alluding to something.

He pulled back, pecking you on your cheek this time before he walked back over to his date and his assistant.

Katya Zamolodchikova (And Others) × Reader | Imagine CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now