Chapter One Tamera

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I rubbed my forehead anxiously. This last kill had been the straw that broke the camel's back. But I still had no leads, no suspects, no nothing, Six bodies in a three-week span, but no traces of the murderer. And the more bodies that piled up in the morgue, the more stressed the whole town got.

The only part of the crimes that held an ounce of genuine personality to them was the calling card. An overlapping set of initials. CRW, artistically positioned next to, or on, each body. I'd looked at all the locals, and no one fit the initial sets. But never in blood, thank god. In fact there was never any blood at any of the scenes.

All six bodies had been given thallium; a slow acting poison commonly used on rats. I don't know why these people were killed, as there's no connection between them, not status or age or even gender. Take the first victim, Sally Jennings, 24, female, firmly middle class. Dead, in her car. Husband found her, the poor guy. But then our most recent victim, Jasper King, was the owner of a big company in the city, King's Investments, he'd been found dead in his secretaries' bed, by his secretary, his poor wife was devastated. The killings just did not make sense when lined up together. The timing was random too, no apparent trigger.

I sighed as I walked into Huggamug Café, noting the usual staff. I glanced around to see my usual waitress, Vanessa, sitting alone at a table with a grilled cheese and a glass of milk. I think I'll go say hi, she looks so alone, and kinda sad. She's still pretty new to Bronston and I know she doesn't socialize much. She has quite the story attached to her though. Her daughter died suddenly, about four years ago, then her lawyer husband suddenly left her, about a year later he passed away mysteriously. But, you wouldn't know that looking at her. Curves in all the right places, beautiful honey brown straight hair, gorgeous hazel eyes and a smile that lights up a room. I wander over and sit across from her. She looks up as I sit and smiles a small smile. I smile back and pat her hand. She finishes her lunch and stands quickly, all business. She dusts the table with a napkin and fixes her hair.

"I'll go put in your order, Tamera" She says quickly, as she gathers her plate and cup.

She's gone before I can respond. I sit back and wait, thinking over the last kill. Jasper King had been found alone in his secretary's bed, naked, with two fractured ribs, a broken wrist and a nasty bruise on his jaw. Cause of death is the same as the other victims, thallium. A common rat poison. Who murders someone with rat poison? It's slow acting and has symptoms similar to the flu. God, what a way to go.

I notice Vanessa approaching my table, and glance down at my watch. That was fast.

"You needn't have rushed it Nessa. I didn't mind." I say as she stops at the edge of the table.

She shakes her head, and sighs.

"I shouldn't have been sitting there sulking, I'm sorry. Here you go, just how you like it. Orange crepes with whipped cream, and hot cocoa." She says as she set down the plates. I smile and thank her.

After she leaves my brain goes back to the case. These murders were a message, but to who? And what is the message? I have no clue, so I take a break to just eat and relax. Of course, relaxation is easier said than done. I shake my head, and then get a small heart attack as someone pops up at my elbow.

"Is there something wrong with your food?" Vanessa asked from beside me, "you were shaking your head, and also you haven't touched it." She added helpfully, looking at me curiously.

"No, no the food is fabulous as always hon. I was just thinking about these damn murders, you heard about them, right?" I was hoping she would say yes, and she might even have some sort of input.

She nodded and took a seat across from me. She sighed and stared at her fingers. I had a feeling she had something to say, but what was it?

"These murders, I heard there's almost nothing connecting them? So, why are you calling them a string of murders under one unsub?" She asked it like a good lawyer, which wasn't shocking. After all, being married to a lawyer had to rub off on a person a bit didn't it? I decided to dodge that question, because we hadn't released the calling card to the public at all yet.

"Say, Vanessa, what's your last name? I know that's random, but I just realized I never knew it. Did you keep your husband's name?" I was only asking because I had indeed just realized I didn't know, and therefore hadn't checked her name off my suspects list.

"No, I kept my maiden name, Winters. Why would I have wanted a name like Driscoll? That's ridiculous, Vanessa Driscoll? No thank you ma'am." She gave a breathless laugh and shook her head. Winters, Vanessa Winters. As I was pondering it, it hit me. The date.

"Isn't today the anniversary of your daughter's passing? What was her name?" I ask softly, not wanting to upset her.

"Yes, today is the fifth year since she passed. My little Cynthia Rose, you know she had my maiden name too. Cynthia Rose Winters. Such a pretty baby." Tears welled in her eyes, and I felt bad, for upsetting her by asking. And then I realized the initials. CRW, what were the odds? The murders had begun three weeks ago, and Miss Vanessa had moved here a week before they started. The timing was too perfect to be coincidental.

"Oh, how cute. I love that." I say, as I stuff crepe into my mouth. She may be the one, but she may not, ugh. I need more evidence. And I intend to get some, even if I have to never let her out of my sight again. I will not allow another death in my town. I need to stop this now. Right now. I watch as she walks away, she runs a few more plates and then goes into the back, hangs up her apron and walks outside to her truck. That's my cue, time to leave.

I get up, leaving the cash on my table, along with a tip and wander out to my car. I follow her out onto the main road, and to her house. A few hours later, she comes out and leaves. As I go to follow my phone rings. It's the ME from the morgue.

Crap. Well, I guess I'll have to follow her more later. The autopsy report is ready. I tell Evelyn I'm on my way and flip around. 

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