(3) First Times & Whatever

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First Words: Nom Nom Nom

Learning to Walk: It is a demon hound. Pluto ran out of excitement to play before walking.

Teething: No such definition for the demon house parent. Cuddles are the best solution in comforting Pluto in the Underworld/Hell.

Education: Life experience.

Mother/Father Day: Parent had no idea this was a thing.

Sick: Demons don't usually get sick.


First Words: . . . Who are you? . . .

Learning to Walk: Wanting to sneaking up behind you.

Teething: No words... Didn't really happened.

Education: Life experience.

Mother/Father Day: Not a thing in Hell.

Sick: Demons don't usually get sick.


First Words: Kitty!

Learning to Walk: Wanted to chase a kitty to be his friend.

Teething: Left the job to the partner.

Education: Life experience.

Mother/Father Day: Not a thing in Hell.

Sick: Demons don't usually get sick.

Author Note

I have no idea what teething is and can't really talk to my parents about it because I am sure that they didn't experience me going through the teething phase.

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