The servant returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She set them on the small stone table beside them and opened the bottle, allowing the wine to breathe.

Elery and Gaidel sat to watch the rain, letting the drops striking each delicate leaf and petal fill the silence between them. Soon the delicate sound of wine filling the two glasses joined the melody, then ceased as the servant took a few steps back.

Gaidel lifted his glass. "A proper toast. To you, to victory, and to the prosperity of our kingdoms."

She raised her glass and tapped the rim to his, punctuating the nature-song with a brief ring of crystal against crystal.

The evening passed while they carried on idle banter. As the sun set and the sister moons peeked curiously over the horizon a man hurried out to them and bowed. "Majesty, a reply has come from Ildaugh pass."

Elery stood, all casual manner ceasing. She held out her hand as her heart thundered in her chest.

The servant handed the container over and she opened it to unfurl the thin scroll within.


I'm elated to find you are safe. We made landing at the Pass only a short time ago. All is well here for now, though an ill-favored energy rises swiftly in the north. The molner are restless and I fear something comes this way. Take care, we know not how long this message will take to arrive. What bears down on us may well be here to greet you.


Gaidel stood. "It seems our time is at an end." He approached her and took her hand in his. "Do take care of yourself, Elery. I will provide you any aid possible."

"Your hospitality has been above and beyond what I deserve," she replied. As she pulled away, the sensation of stabbing needles against her bondmark drew her attention briefly to it.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No..." she murmured and covered the mark. She glanced up at his face. A chance ray of orange evening light broke the clouds to shine across his eyes. His pupils shrank, then grew thin. "No, I suppose I am simply fatigued."

"Perhaps it would be best that you stay the night. Start fresh in the morning."

She smiled, though her stomach knotted tightly enough that such a simple action took all her concentration. "Knowing the capabilities of my comrades, I believe they will be well enough that I can allow myself rest. Thank you, Gaidel. If I could but ask one last favor?"

"Whatever I may provide."

"I will need food for myself and the dragon. A meal tonight, and supplies to take with us."

At the mention of Isandel, the King's gentle expression briefly hardened, but a smile returned to his face before too long. "I could not live with myself if I knew you'd gone to bed hungry. I shall have food delivered to your room within the hour."

Elery stepped back and saluted. "Then I bid you good evening." She turned and walked calmly until out of his sight, then drew her dress from around her ankles to rush back to her room.

Isandel lay on his stomach across the bed, idly flipping the pages of an old tome before him. When the door squealed open he turned his head, huffed at her, then set his gaze back upon the yellowed pages. "So, finished acting the part of a dignitary? Or perhaps there is another reason you were gone so long." His tail thumped against the side of the bed, drawing a soft crack from the bed frame.

"When he took my hand, the bondmark reacted."

He turned to a new page.

She walked over and put her hand on the book. "Did you know he wasn't a seryn?"

OathBlade (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now