Everlasting Bonds

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From the bright blue yonder to the deep blue sea,
I thank you for bringing out the best in me.
Kindred souls bonded through memories,
These strong ties will last for centuries.
My best friends holding my hand,
Knowing by my side you will stand.
You are my lighthouse,
Leading me to the path from which I strayed.
Once small and meek like a mouse,
Now standing tall and proud like the Palisades.
I feel safe knowing there are people I trust,
To crush my monsters and demons into dust.
You see all my fears, my troubles, my pain,
And are always there to chase them away.
With you here in my life,
It feels like a paradise.
You're the safe haven I always go to,
Chat and talk til we find a way to make do.
You are my forever friend,
Always there til the very end.
Thank you for all that you have done for me,
Building my confidence, making me carefree.
I love you so much,
Can't thank you enough.
Changing my life more than you could ever imagine,
Healing my heart in more ways you can fathom.
All I want to say would take a lifetime and more,
Convey these feelings of gratitude from my core.


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