Chapter 15

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Alina's POV/-

He kissed me, he actually kissed me. I remembered the softness of his lips, as they brushed against mine. The hint of cookie dough that left a trace in my mouth, minutes after. The kiss was soft and dainty leaving an aftertaste that I just can't get rid of. His brown eyes and golden hair shining in the fluorescent lights of the classroom. I put my head in my hands remembering that bastard who ruined my life.

Lina, don't worry it's just a few minutes away," Cathy finally spoke from the driver's seat. One hand on the steering wheel and her other hand drifting towards one of my arms. I could feel her palms glide up and wrap her fingers through mine. The cars that passed by slowly started to fade while Cathy pulled up towards her driveway.

The familiarity found in Cathy's room brought a certain air of comfort around me. Her cream walls covered with playbills and opening night fliers. Her bed overflowing with plush toys that we had won on our countless visits to the carnival. I grabbed a yellow Teletubby from her bed and dropped onto it.

Cathy dropped by next to me and wrapped an arm around me. I snuggled my head into the crook of her neck. Her blonde hair smelled of fresh berries. Cathy rubbed my back and shushed me.

"Oh, Alina. Want to talk about it?" Her fingers traced my back. I let out a muffled groan and sniffled. We remained to hold onto each other for the next few minutes. I started to drift off

"Lina, Alina. Wake up." Cathy nudged my shoulder. I opened my eyes ever so slowly. "What?" I groaned.

"We are going to talk about your date now?"

"What?Why?" I flopped my head onto the pillow.

"Alina. I am done babying you. I was in the middle of getting the number of this really cute girl," Cathy said her voice filled with slight malice.

"Fine," I muttered, sitting up and smoothing out the yellow sundress. I let out an exasperated sigh. "He kissed me," I whispered.

"Did you say he kissed you? Why was that a re-" Cathy rattled on until she looked at my pointed look, "Did you kiss back?" Her brown eyes glistening with wonder.

"Yeah," my voice barely a whisper.

"So what happened?" Cathy said her hands holding onto mine now.

"I-I just thought of," my voice cracked. My eyes looked into Cathy's eyes, unable to communicate what I meant.

"OH," Cathy's eyed popped out, and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. Her blonde curls cushioned my face between em.

"Oh Alina," her face suddenly perked up, "What happened to Noah though?"I let go of her quickly my eyes widen.

"I kind of shoved him and then ran off," I said sheepishly. Cathy shoved my shoulder.

"As much as I get why you got scared-"

"I did NOT get scared," I interjected.

"Shut up. You shouldn't have just left him alone after making out with him," she said exasperated.

"We were not making out."

"It definitely would have become making out. Ooh and maybe s-" a pillow I threw cut her off.

"Ewwwwwwww. you dirty, dirty dog." I started chucking her pillows at her face.  We started giggling, limbs flayling everywhere.


"Oh God. What is it now?" Cathy said, pissed at the interruption. She quickly stretched to get her phone. Her hand flew up to her mouth. I quickly sat up onto my forearms.

"What is it?" I asked. Cathy looked at me eyes wide open.

"Uhhh...You're not got like this," she massaged her neck, "but um Logan's back in town."

AN/- Oooooooo.... whos' Logan?

 Hey guys! It's dumbass here. Hope you all are doing well. Remember to Vote and Comment. Sorry for the short chapter this week, didn't really have an idea about it that wouldn't cluster this chapter.

Question of the Week: Have you had your first kiss yet?

S- No.

D- Obviously no. Did you not see how I wrote that beginning.

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