Chapter 10

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Noah's pov 

It was definitely a date in my opinion but knowing girls and their overthinking personality she probably thought it was

about the project Mr. Perera set.

After I left Caramel's house I went home usually Parker would come home with me but today he had some after school thing meaning he is probably going to ask one of his other friends for a ride home which meant I didn't have to go pick him up in a bit.

Entering home, I gave a quick kiss on my mom's cheek and said "hello" to my father and sat for food in the chair next to Nate.

"So, Noah how was school" dad asked

To which I replied shrugging before saying "pretty much the same as every other day"

"Aren't you sitting with Cathy and her friend Alina?" Nate asks

"Yeah, I am why?" I ask curiously as to why Nate was paying attention to us in the first place don't get me wrong he cares about me and shit, but he doesn't really go in the cafeteria unless he needs something.

"Nothing I was just passing by the cafeteria and saw you flirting with her" he replies teasing me with the last sentence.

"WHAT NONO DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" mom screams shocked because she probably still thinks I am gay and the fact that I haven't told her even though there is legit nothing to tell her.

"No mom chill she isn't my girlfriend and I wasn't flirting with her" I reply trying to calm my mother excited mother while glaring at my brother during the last sentence.

"Well when Alina came last week she with her parents she seemed like a respectable girl with her life put together so I don't mind even if something was happening between you to plus she straight up denied Nate which was hella funny" dad said chuckling at the last statement.

To which Nate starts whining at us making fun of him before saying "well Noah you got yourself a great girl who won't put up anyone shit so make sure you won't lose"

Blushing a bit I reply with a smile saying "funny coming from you Nate when are going to stop sleeping around with girls and "find the one" I put up air quotes on the last words.

Mom and dad agree with my statement because, to be honest none of us like him sleeping around but there isn't much we can do we all know he is going through shit right now and this is his coping method as he puts it but we really don't like this so-called coping method but it could have been worse.

You see ever since Nate came back from recovery from his eating disorder, he puts pressure on himself to maintain himself the way he is don't get me wrong he is getting better but slowly but we all couldn't be more proud of him recovering from his bulimia. I still remember the day I caught him pressuring himself to puke his food out. He forced me not to say anything to mom and dad about a week later from when I caught him puking himself, he fainted. Since then we all help him improve and reassure him about how he is.

Smiling Nate replies "soon brother soon".

A second later I kid you not Parker burst in the house screaming "I AM HOME"

"Hey mom dad," he says kissing mom's forehead

"Hi park how's school" they reply smiling at him

"Pretty good there was this bitch who was my understudy who kept trying to steal my stoplight like what the hell it was my fricken spotlight," he says disbelievingly

"What a bitch" mom and dad say at the same time causing me and Nate to snicker.

We all know my parents' favourite child was Park and he wasn't even their child but ehh we all stopped caring about a month after he moved in.

Smiling at myself I chuckle at that thought while engaging myself in their conversations.

This was my weird-ass family.

Hi guys it smartass thank you for reading sorry for the short update and late update I didn't feel well yesterday and today I wanted to put a chapter up for yall to read I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment you can leave a question you want us to answer.

this week's question:

What are our zodiac signs?

Answers :

Smartass: Aries 

Dumbass: Gemini


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