Chapter 9 the battle of midway

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we zoom as the azur lane

 shipgirls and doctor doom are aproaching midway as they reached midway they were reaching their destination the weather begun to change with large storms and raining and thunder begining as they were

 sucked into a diffrent world as they locked they were in the artic while figuring out they look as large number of portals 

appeard and from them the sirens production vessels and the sakura empire shipgirls arrived which made doctor doom suprised as they look up they see akagi being on a volcano 

akagi:welcome azur lane doctor doom whats the matter suprised to see me fu fu fu 

doctor doom:so you were working for the sirens all this time you will pay for this 

akagi:fu fu fu lets begin and 

so the battle begins betwen the royal navy and eagle union shipgirls against the sakura empire and sirens as they fought many of the shipgirls are fighting the sakura empire shipgirls at the same time doctor doom 

along with enterprise are fighting akagi and kaga as they continued battling the siren vessels were being destroyed one by one as they continued to fight them akagi and kaga were able to knock doctor doom and enterprise down hoever they were granted their special powers and abilities from the alterself enterprise said owari da lauching an energy arrow at the sirens wipeing them out while 

at the same time doctor doom used the infinity stones to activated his god emperor form changins his apperance to silver  with gold marking as they continued fighting the sakura empire forces were forced to withdraw with akagi disspearing doctor doom used the time stone to get them off from the mirror seas

 as they return back to base one thing

 is certain they handed the sakura empire and the sirens there largest defeat ever at the sametime doctor doom and enterprise unlocked their powers from their alter counterparts allowing them to defeat akagi and kaga along with sirens one thing is certain this war will soon end between the crimson axis and azur lane and it will be focused on the sirens 

 is certain they handed the sakura empire and the sirens there largest defeat ever at the sametime doctor doom and enterprise unlocked their powers from their alter counterparts allowing them to defeat akagi and kaga along with sirens one thing is...

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