Chapter -1

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Hello Fam :)

A/N - I am not giving a chapter title. (Jyada dimag lagana pad raha hai. :P)

Happy Reading...

4 years later

It was the early summer in Mumbai. Even though the heat hasn't reached its peak, the humidity in the city has been troubling the people. Global warming was becoming a serious issue with every passing day. Inflation was up. The government and the opposition party leaders were involved in the blame game on every issue.

These were the everyday news but today was different, sad but different. Hence, after a scorching afternoon and half-hearted workday, Mukti and Abhimanyu were all cuddled up in the balcony of Abhimanyu's room in the Thakkar house, taking the relief from the evening breeze. They haven't spoken a word to each other since the time Mukti came to meet him after her office hours.

Finally, she forced herself to break the silence as it was more disturbing than peaceful. "Are you thinking the same as me?"

Abhimanyu sighed heavily and she felt his breath tickling her forehead. "It's been four years exactly since that day and we don't have any idea about Nandini or where she is."

Mukti nodded. "She has just disappeared completely."

There wasn't a single day when one of them doesn't mention her name throughout the day in the Thakkar house. No one understood Nandini's need to go underground but everyone knew she was capable if she wanted to. They hadn't stopped searching for the girl and all the resources of Raman Thakkar were insufficient.

When Abhimanyu tried to check her house, the guard had informed about Nandini going abroad for her MBA but he didn't know the location. All they knew was neither Manik nor Nandini had taken admission to the London University as per their initial plan and every search for the girl had only led to a dead end.

"At least Manik is doing well", muttered Abhimanyu.

After working for a year in their respective placements, Mukti had applied for her masters in computer science and Abhimanyu for an MBA in the same university. Two years later, after the completion of their degree, Mukti had joined in a company as a project leader while Abhimanyu was formally appointed into Thakkar Industries.

Meanwhile, Manik had completed a year as the CEO of the Malhotra Industries. It was his second year now and with the retirement of Nyonika Malhotra, Malhotra Industries has reached greater heights with him as their leader. He was known as the best businessman in the city and whenever someone mentioned Manik's name in front of either Mukti or any of the Thakkars, it brought a smile on their faces. It was their boy who grew into the most perfect man.

"Are you planning to sign any deals with them?", asked Mukti. "It has been years, Abhimanyu."

He shook his head. "Manik asked us not to contact him. He has even gone as far as changing his number. How can I disrespect his words? It was what he had wanted."

"Right but that was four years ago and he did ask us to invite for our wedding. Why can't we go and meet him now? If there's anyone who could find Nandini, it's a Malhotra."

Abhimanyu loosened his arms around his girl as he stared at her and suddenly there was a huge grin on his face. "Love, you are brilliant."


Instead of replying, he dragged her to the living room where his parents were watching the television.

"Guys, dad, mom, we have news", he announced.

Beside him, Mukti rolled her eyes. 'We' Don't even know what the news was. She crossed her arms and waited for her boyfriend to come down from his excitement.

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