Chapter - 15

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Hello Fam :)

Warning: - Self-doubt. Questioning self-worth. Nandini's feelings and thoughts are all over the place inside her head. 

Mild Warning: You want to strangle Manik, hug him tight, or make him a coffee and talk some sense into him, decide for yourself. :P

Happy Reading...

Nandini was supposed to read a document but her mind was drifting to the time she was spending with Nyonika lately. The woman had promised she would be a daughter to her and she was doing everything to prove her point. While Manik and Cabir were busy with the office work, Nyonika took Nandini shopping. They occasionally went out on lunch dates and Nandini had visited the NGO that the older woman was managing. There were days when they used to sit together and work silently. In short, after a lifetime, Nandini was experiencing what an actual family feels like.

The only issue was the subtle way Nyonika was messing up her mind regarding Manik. The older woman would drop on hints about Manik, how much he cares for Nandini, or how important she was to him. She would have reached the point she was making if Nandini wasn't aware of Manik's feelings towards her but Manik had confessed it to her already. The only issue was that it was years back and she wasn't sure if Manik still felt that way. She would be happy to be a permanent part of this family but for her to open her heart completely, she needed to know what Manik thinks about her. The last thing she wanted right now was to break her walls and allow the people to hurt her again. After all these years, she didn't know if she had it in her to go through another phase where she has to live among the people who would hate her for her mere existence.

She heard Manik's shower going off and tried to concentrate on her document. She didn't realize the time but he was longer than usual in the shower.

"Hi", greeted Manik, as he searched for something in his laptop bag.

"Hey", she replied. He looked odd, almost restless but it was only the morning.

"Is your laptop working fine?", he asked, looking at the laptop on her lap.

"Yes, Manik."

"What about your mobile? Does Android need an update?"

Nandini shook her head. "No, it's already the updated one."

"I think I lost my book. It should be somewhere here. Have you seen it? Hey, it's here."

If she wasn't sure before, she was now. He was clearly nervous about something.

"I think I will have a shower", he announced and Nandini had enough.

"Manik, you just came from the shower", she pointed out and pulled him in front of her. "What are you nervous about? You are panicking. Breathe."

Manik blinked his eyes at her before realizing she was right and did as she told him. "I need to tell you something", he said after a long time. "Would you promise to listen to me completely before reacting?"

Nandini nodded. What was it about her that was making him this nervous?, she thought and all his nerves started rubbing on her too.

He handed her an envelope that was kept inside the book he was searching for initially, asking her to open it.

Her worst fears came true in the form of the divorce papers and it took all her strength not to throw them and run away. For all the questions she had for the past few days, Manik gave her an answer. Maybe it was the universe's way of telling her that she didn't belong anywhere, that there was no family for her and there never would be. She felt stupid about herself to even think about asking Manik about his feelings for her after all these years. Manik, the perfect Manik, the then heir of Malhotra, the CEO now, why would someone like him waste years thinking about a girl when he could have anything he desired just by a phone call.

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