• chapter ten •

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Dear Madhuri,
Amar here. Of course I remember you! You've left a strong impact on me. I haven't met anyone like you before.

Your words have left me confused. Are you okay, Madhuri? I hope you know that you can tell me anything.

But I won't force you. I want you to willingly tell me.

The kingdom is prospering, my parents are fine. I'm good too, but I miss our talks togethersometimes it's intellectual and sometimes it's just about knowing each other.

And of course I will play the bansuri for you. We will meet. That will happen one day or another.

Until then, Madhuri!


Madhuri folded up the letter and smiled at it. His reply was more than enough for her heart.

That night, she slept peacefully.

And her dreams were of the ones she loved the most: her RadheShyam. She pictured herself as one of the gopis, dancing beside the eternal lovers. She felt as if she Radha's sakhi.

What could be more blissful than that?


Their letters went to and fro, from one kingdom to the other. They shared bits of information about themselves, they got to know about each other. One month became two months, which then turned into three.

For the first time in her life, the Princess felt like she could actually love someone. She paused as soon as that thought came into her head.

Love...was a complicated feeling. It makes you do crazy things, it makes you feel like you fit in, it gives you that one person who you think will stay in your life forever. Love wasn't restricted to lovers, but it could be between a mother and son, a father and daughter.

And between two friends. Which is what she and Amar were, and Madhuri intended on keeping it that way.

Madhuri folded up the letter that she had just finished writing. "Lavanya..." she began.

"I know, Princess," Lavanya said. "This is for Prince Amar, right?"

Madhuri nodded and smiled.

And some time later, Amar held her handwritten letter in his hands. He began to write back to her when his mother walked in.

"Amar?" She said.

"Y-yes mother?" He asked, standing up, setting the peacock feather that he was using to write on his table.

"An invitation from Queen Sakshi," she said.

Amar resisted the urge to smile as soon as he heard his mother's words. "What is it about, mother?" He asked, pretending to look and sound nonchalant.

"It's been a few months since you've met Madhuri," she replied. "And Sakshi wants you to visit their kingdom, the invitation is for the same."

"Okay, mother."


Madhuri didn't know that Amar was coming. Her mother didn't inform her, but she noticed the excitement amongst the maids and villagers.

"What is going on, Lavanya?" She asked.

Lavanya simply smiled and shook her head. "The Queen has told us to not tell you anything, Princess," she answered. "You'll have to wait for some more time."

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